Had my first session with a "teacher"

Had my first session of "beginning to count" with a professional last night. Very interesting. The big dark cloud of counting has lightened up a little bit. I learned reasons "WHY" you do things and a couple of techniques. But the major thing was the why. He gave me exercises to do daily and so far this morning things are going okay. However, I am very weak on the BS. I am using the KO system and have a long way to go. I am looking forward to this challenge and have allotted time "daily" to work at this. I feel like I have accomplished something. After running a deck I can actually know the values of the two cards I took out of the deck. For me that is good.

Good luck to all hitting the tables.

Adam N. Subtractum

Well-Known Member
one suggestion... *LINK*

It is imperative that you know basic strategy perfectly before you bother going any further. I would hope your "professional" advisor has made this perfectly clear, otherwise I would be wary. Check out the excellent HitorStand website for a very useful drill in honing your BS skills.


one thing experience has taught me.........learn all i can from someone who has been there before me.(of course, references and price are considered). may i ask where this is and the price?
Sure, go ahead and ask. The Fabulous Florida Keys. He is a personal friend of mine. He just wants to see me survive Vegas (and other places--Nassau). He asks nothing. He is just doing this as a favor. Nice guy heh?

learning to count

Well-Known Member
Re: one suggestion...

I checked out the hit or stand website. Pretty good free tool. The only thing I noticed is that I was dealt a ten and a king against a dealer six. I chose to split. The site said it was wrong. Now I know that there are rules that say split any tens and there is a rule that says only exact pairs can be split. From my experience I have always split any ten in vegas, the gulf casinos, cruise boats, Puerto rico, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, and at my local charity vegas nights. I cannot remember not being able to spli tens. I may be wrong about this due to my robotic actions when making playing decisions. Anyone else have input on what is the general rule of splitting tens they have experienced.


Well-Known Member
Re: one suggestion...

Where did you see these rules? If you're not counting and only playing BS, you should never split 10's. It's just like if you're not counting, you should never insure. hitorstand.net is a great site. Too bad they don't allow you to play pitch games.
Re: one suggestion...

I am embarassed. I was counting as if a single deck and I hit a TC over +5 and I split. Wow I need a vacation from BJ! Still Learning to count!