Halloween Blackjack Ball


Well-Known Member
It's almost here!

Anyone want to take bets on how many people dress up like the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland? I thought about dressing up as a cocktail waitress but I looked too pretty! The drink service is slow enough that I might get fired anyway. At least I could make some tips...no, wait, none of us tip. This is not going to be a good weekend for waitresses!

Hey Mayor, will you be selling autographed books there?



Just a reminder...

Halloween weekend through the 31st is an ideal time to hit all of the choice games you've been barred from... in costume/disguise. zg


Well-Known Member
As of this moment, "yes"

I am still not 100% sure of my travel plans for this weekend... it all depends on the outcome of a phone call this afternoon ...

Felix Rue-de-Guerre

Well-Known Member
So, to you and others...

has anyone been asked to leave a table because they were in disguise on Halloween? Never played in LV on Halloween before.

Also, conversely, I guess this would be a good time to play agressively and get barred with impunity??



Well-Known Member

...The phone call proved to be "negative" so I'll not be there.

I wish everyone who goes a great time, and I wish RGE much success with this event.
