Halloween Trip Report


Well-Known Member
So, I went to Vegas with a pack of ploppies.

I know, I know...

But sometimes, when you have friends with birthdays on Halloween who have never been to Vegas...and friends who just got married, and a brother that just got a big raise... you have to roll with the punches, catch a show, enjoy the buffet and do your best to blend into the costume-wearing throngs as you silently, single-handedly do your best to take-on the casinos and do the Mayor proud...

So, liquor fueled antics aside...I managed to get in a BIT of respectable table-time. Experienced the thrill of variance, and the magic of statistics. I had two big losses and three really big wins. I ended up +120 units, saw a remarkable dealer error and learned one new bit of info...

The dealer error was pure gold. It's 2am and I'm talking to my friend while back-counting a 6 deck shoe. The TC goes through the roof, so I step in and put down a reasonably large wager for my BR (but merited by the count). Cards are dealt and...of course...I land a sweet hard 15. Crap. Everyone else hits hard 20's and the guy at 3rd base pulls a BJ, naturally. The dealer pulls an A. Crap.

"Insurance? Even money?"

The 3rd base has had a LOT of whiskey and doesn't know what "even money" is about, so the dealer explains it and convinces the ploppy to take the cash. Then, after paying out the even money, the dealer checks his card, and flips over his 21. Crap.

The dealer wipes the CARDS off the table and in that very instant...the pit boss strolls by with Mr. 3rd base's Club Card and verifies his buy-in with the dealer, distracting him for just a moment. The dealer turns back to the table...and deals out fresh cards....without clearing the losing chips.


My friend was standing right there as I proceeded to win the next hand and get the hell out of Dodge. Under my breath, I whispered..."Did you see that???" , but of course...he hadn't, and I didn't risk explaining it to him until we were out the doors, before the heavy hand of inevitability tried to catch up with me.

On the flip side...I noticed a sad change at a downtown casino. It may not be news since it's been a while since my last visit...but I was surprised to see that the Las Vegas Club doesn't allow wonging anymore. In the very least, they didn't this weekend. Even on their low-roller tables, they had signs up that said "No Mid-Deck Entry". I checked the tables three different times of the day and none were open to the casual passing wager. Maybe it was a fluke...I hope it's not a growing trend.

Other than that, I saw a guy with the cohones to go out in public wearing an inflatable-penis costume win $5,000 over a girl wearing paint and paint-alone for a costume.

Ahhh Las Vegas.


learning to count

Well-Known Member
Great report Hi-Noon. 120 units ahead that is great. You know you should have insured that 15 against the dealers ace at +3 tc for six deck or +1 at single deck. Your were lucky. leaving shortly after was good too! Most places have no Mid Shoe entry for single deck.


Well-Known Member
You're right, I was lucky on that one. I'm still learning the indices, and wasn't sure about the insurance play. I wonder if the dealer would have goofed if I'd had an insurance bet on the line? Regardles, once it'd happened, it was definitely time to head out.

Still learnin'...

Mr Pill


Learn that one quick. I believe it is about the biggest one to know. Other initial ones to know are standing on 16v10, 12v3, 12v2 & 15v10. I believe these will give you the biggest gains after the insurance one.
