has anyone seen this? *LINK*


while browsing google today i stumbled across this:

(Dead link: http://www.mitblackjack.com)

the domain is registered to a David Irvine, dba Beat the House LLC.

any takers on whether this is going to be a scam site or legit?


learning to count

Well-Known Member
Re: has anyone seen this?

I am worried about the hype that this MIT story is going to do to the state of affairs of backjack. The casinos in their paranoia and greed will view this story as a danger to thier business. Even though the MIT team was obviosuly a team of intelligencia matmatica the casinos will start tightening up. It all goes in cycles I guess. IT will be make life interesting at the tables.


Re: has anyone seen this?

I agree =( I think it sucks that right about when I start learning how to count the MIT story surfaced.


Well-Known Member
On the other hand

Of course, the other side of the coin is that reading the book could stimulate more people to attempt counting. More people trying and failing is just what the casinos (and legit counters) should want. Blackjack gets a boost in popularity and we get other opportunities to blend in with the semi-ploppies.


Re: On the other hand AGREED...

... Agree with ZOD, especially considering that MGM is tied to the MIT movie-rights - Thorp, Revere, Wong, et al were the greatest boon to BJ and casino table games EVER, why would that stop now? zg


Re: On the other hand ALSO AGREE

ZOD wrote: "Of course, the other side of the coin is that reading the book could stimulate more people to attempt counting."

I agree STRONGLY with ZOD. This will be good for counters in the long run. I heard a radio show featuring the author of Binging Down the House a few months ago and got interested in Blackjack. I went out and bought the first book I saw on Blackjack and read it cover to cover. It seemed like easy money to me. A sure thing. The majority of people would probably just head right to the casino and give it a go . . . we all know what would happen to them.

I did not. I then got a simple BJ computer game and gave it some practice. Got to the point that I could do BS and count with a fair amount of accuracy. It still seemed like easy money to me. Maybe even more so. This is where most of the remaining people would stop (if they actually get this far) before they go out to the nearest casino and blow their whole bankroll.

I am an bit of an over-achieving academic type with a little pessimism sprinkled in, so my yearn for knowledge mixed with a gut feeling that it can't really be THAT easy lead me to dig deeper. I am just at the beginning of that discovery process, and you folks have been extremely helpful. Despite the simplicity of the game itself, BS and counting etc, there is a lot more to taking the Casino's money than that, as you all know. I think that the common person will be seduced by the simplicity of the game, and not dig deep enough to learn to do it reliably or learn all the subtleties necessary to put on a good act. They will increase the level of noise that the pit crews/eye in the sky will need to contend with. In this situation, I can't help but think that a proficient pro with a solid act will find it easier to blend in with the crowd.

Again, I am just a newbie, so take it for what its worth.


learning to count

Well-Known Member
Re: On the other hand ALSO AGREE

I agree with you Newbie a lot of people will go out and read the books and try and get rich quick. A boon for book sellers and secret strategy sellers. The casino's know this. That is why MGM bought the rights to the book and are planning to make a movie about it. Well in all thier wisdom why not. Get the suckers out to try a new secret winning strategy and lose more money. Thats what they want. The casinos know they can handle the fad when and if it comes. WHen you think of it this is a great strategy the casinos can always make the games even more ridiculous. 6/5, CSM's, super fun, no hole card, both dealer cards up, 3 deck cut off, or go to the sahara and play the worst game in town for a buck. Carnival time in party town. One thing though this is cyclical in nature Blackjack will remain and we will find other LEGAL ways to defeat it. LTC