Has anyone tried this stategy?


Well-Known Member
I have found it very hard to avoid 0 and negetive count hands because it obviously looks suspect if you just sit out, and at the limit I play (10$ units in australia which is the minimum) as soon as you leave a seat it will be gone because there are so few 10$ tables, which means I can rarely count a shoe and sit in when I want to.

So instead I have started a new stategy. I count the shoe and I watch for people who are playing basic stategy, then I back bet them when the count is positive. In australia on the 10$ table there are always alot of young people (20-28 years old) who seems to play basic stategy very well, so I can back bet a few of them at random and seem like a 'real' gambler.

One thing I have noticed though is that doubleing on 11 vs a Ten is extremely rare. They will follow the stategy for everything (such as hitting 12 against 2 or 3) but for this they just don't seem to do it. So I always 'come to the rescue' and pay their double for them :) even better odds for me! Aus casinos even allow for fraction doubling, which means if some guy bets like 50$ and doesnt double, I can chip in 10$ for his double and 10$ for mine :)

I think this is a totally valid stategy but i did cringe at a few plays the people made when my money is on the table, mainly over what they do with low pairs.


Well-Known Member
dacium said:
I have found it very hard to avoid 0 and negetive count hands because it obviously looks suspect if you just sit out, and at the limit I play (10$ units in australia which is the minimum) as soon as you leave a seat it will be gone because there are so few 10$ tables, which means I can rarely count a shoe and sit in when I want to.
Just sit out right at the table without leaving. OR well-timed bathroom breaks or fake cell phone calls can help so it wont seem so obvious. Sometimes I leave for pretend reasons, but if I really do have to go the bathroom or something, I wait for the count to tank before I do.


Well-Known Member
Yes Dacium this is an excellent strategy and I have used it myself. The one negative which you mentioned however is that the player sitting at the table has the ultimate decision as to how the hand is played. You will have to convince players not to hit their 16 v 10's as an example. This technique is also known as backlining.

The way I use this strategy is to actually sit at the table and get real friendly with the other players then when the count gets lousy, wong out and announce you are going to get something to eat. Come back in 10 or 15 min. backcount the table and when the count is good you will have no problem asking the others because you already had played with them. Amazingly they never say no. One time I had another player offer if I wanted to bet on his hands and I told him as soon as the shoe gets hot! Of course I was just waiting for the count to get good!
wow shoes...

ok one thing... shoes favor the house over anyother style of blackjack. the advatage is the syquence in cards to come, thuse the "count" when to bet big and when to bet small. the problem with shoes is that the count can get so favored in one direction and keep going that way. i recommend an singaldeck with three types of bets 5 10 and 30, in acorrdance with the count of the deck. a 0 -1 or-2 +1 or +2 stay with 10. and in the -4 -5 -6 bet big with the hopes that you'll get a 18 19 or 20 or the dealer won't be able to make a hand. a team of 4 players with this in mind will gain the most profit. do not try this to the extremme at a table where you have no idea what the other players are going to do.


Well-Known Member
You can recommend Single Deck all you wish and not get many arguments. However, Single Deck with good rules is almost impossible to find, expecially on the Strip in Vegas. And what's this about 4-man teams and knowing how they are going to play giving you any advantage? Tell me more. This sounds like a Voodoo I need to learn!
dacium said:
...So instead I have started a new stategy. I count the shoe and I watch for people who are playing basic stategy, then I back bet them when the count is positive. In australia on the 10$ table there are always alot of young people (20-28 years old) who seems to play basic stategy very well, so I can back bet a few of them at random and seem like a 'real' gambler...
Excellent strategy. There is another twist. In most casinos the back betting player has the option of whether to split or not. If you choose not to split, your bet goes on to either one of the split hands. Knowing the proper strategy for this is significant, e.g., if the hand is 88 vs. 9, 10 or A you would opt not to put another bet down, but if it was 99 vs. 6 you would. It works best with a confederate because there are some non-BS splits that give you an advantage if you don't have to put another bet down, that BS players wouldn't make.
Mikeaber said:
You can recommend Single Deck all you wish and not get many arguments. However, Single Deck with good rules is almost impossible to find, expecially on the Strip in Vegas. And what's this about 4-man teams and knowing how they are going to play giving you any advantage? Tell me more. This sounds like a Voodoo I need to learn!

there is a little town in nevada called laughlin!!!! Where a casino has been in business for about 60 years. basically granfathered in, in regardes with the gaming regulations of nevada. singal deck blackjack pays 3 to 2 and get this there is no cut card. players get to touch the deck and cut where ever they want. this might seem meaningless but with practic comes perfection.

about the four person team... say about 3 in the mourning four walk up to a table and all understand that if the count says that alot of low cards are coming, and the dealer shows a three then any one with a 12, 13 or soft hand should draw out as many low cards as possible. or in revers the count shows that a ten is more than likely to hit and the dealer showes a 6 up. mabe some one with a soft hand shouldn't hit and so on this takes practice and cash!!!!


Well-Known Member
We have discussed this in the terms of playing multi-hands rather than multi players. Basicaly, you are talking about eating cards in low count situations with minimum spot bets.
yes but most casinos allow you to play only three hands at five times the minimum bet. finding a singal deck game less then 25 dollars in vegas is hard some times you don't want to play 125 dollars a hand if the count is against you. plus you arn't allowed to look at all the hand before being allowed to take action
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Well-Known Member
stovepipe_1_2_3 said:
there is a little town in nevada called laughlin!!!! Where a casino has been in business for about 60 years. basically granfathered in, in regardes with the gaming regulations of nevada. singal deck blackjack pays 3 to 2 and get this there is no cut card. players get to touch the deck and cut where ever they want. this might seem meaningless but with practic comes perfection.

about the four person team... say about 3 in the mourning four walk up to a table and all understand that if the count says that alot of low cards are coming, and the dealer shows a three then any one with a 12, 13 or soft hand should draw out as many low cards as possible. or in revers the count shows that a ten is more than likely to hit and the dealer showes a 6 up. mabe some one with a soft hand shouldn't hit and so on this takes practice and cash!!!!

Not sure when you were last in Laughlin. All the reports I hear is that BJ is dead in that town since Harrahs and MGM bought everything up.Edgewater has 6/5 CSM games now,although I do hear a few good hings about The Pioneer.
BTW-The entire town of Laughlin is celebrating its 40th birthday. Don Laughlin opened the first casino in the then unnamed area in 1966,not sixty years ago.


Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
Yes Dacium this is an excellent strategy and I have used it myself. The one negative which you mentioned however is that the player sitting at the table has the ultimate decision as to how the hand is played. You will have to convince players not to hit their 16 v 10's as an example. This technique is also known as backlining.

The way I use this strategy is to actually sit at the table and get real friendly with the other players then when the count gets lousy, wong out and announce you are going to get something to eat. Come back in 10 or 15 min. backcount the table and when the count is good you will have no problem asking the others because you already had played with them. Amazingly they never say no. One time I had another player offer if I wanted to bet on his hands and I told him as soon as the shoe gets hot! Of course I was just waiting for the count to get good!

Who cares if they "let you". Just sit in anyway. If mid shoe entry is allowed it doesnt matter what the other players want you to do.


Well-Known Member
Cass said:
Who cares if they "let you". Just sit in anyway. If mid shoe entry is allowed it doesnt matter what the other players want you to do.
Cass I think you misunderstood my post. You are not playing at a seat on the table, you are standing at a full table and adding your bet to another player who is already seated.


stovepipe_1_2_3 said:
there is a little town in nevada called laughlin!!!! Where a casino has been in business for about 60 years. basically granfathered in, in regardes with the gaming regulations of nevada. singal deck blackjack pays 3 to 2 and get this there is no cut card. players get to touch the deck and cut where ever they want. this might seem meaningless but with practic comes perfection.

about the four person team... say about 3 in the mourning four walk up to a table and all understand that if the count says that alot of low cards are coming, and the dealer shows a three then any one with a 12, 13 or soft hand should draw out as many low cards as possible. or in revers the count shows that a ten is more than likely to hit and the dealer showes a 6 up. mabe some one with a soft hand shouldn't hit and so on this takes practice and cash!!!!
Listen Stovepipe, there are a few pro-caliber APs in these forums and you are coming across like a REAL CRACKPOT. zg