you wonderful people ! be thankful you have health . Rejoice in your family and your relatives . Enjoy the great food and festivities and conversations . Enjoy the football game . be happy you do not have a child or loved one with inoperable cancer , or a relative on a transplant list , a child in a burn unit , or a fatal sickness . be happy yopu live in the greatest country in the world . You could be living in Darfu or Rwanda and have no home , no food , and be watching your child die cause you do not have a simple shot of quinine to help with . You could be going door to door in Baghdad tomorrow where alot would not ask you in for a turkey dandwich . You could be living in Bangledesh and wading through water up to your neck looking for loved ones .Your house could be repossessed and the refrigerator box you have on order does not come with heat,A/C, or windows . You could be out hustling the streets living in a shelter and wondering where your next meal is coming from .Be thankful for what you are so graced by and if you have nothing you still have life and the blackjackinfo forum !!!!! There is a bright side to everything. In a former life I was Capt of the Titanic and it was a shame when people were jumping overboard and I was screaming ' Relax we are just stopping for ice cubes - WTF !!!!!" God bless all !!!!!!!