Have you ever had another player copy your betting pattern?


Well-Known Member
Has happened to me at Sp21 with players I see regularly at the tables who have noticed I tend to win most of the time.

Earlier this week was an odd one, though. I was playing BJ and another guy at the table, who I've never seen before, seemed to raise his bets somewhat parallel to mine. At first I thought he was an AP, but then I noticed him making some stupid plays, like doubling 7 v 4 and never taking INS when it was warranted.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
...but then I noticed him making some stupid plays, like doubling 7 v 4 and never taking INS when it was warranted.
aslan's new cover moves? :laugh::whip:


Well-Known Member
All the time. Copying higher bets, insurance, side bets, etc.,

It does seem bad, but also I think its ok as their higher bets camouflage my higher bets.


Well-Known Member
Sharky said:
aslan's new cover moves? :laugh::whip:
Why count when you can sit at 21forme's table and just copy his bet spreads??? :eyepatch::laugh: Hey, now, I always "take" insurance when it's warranted, just had a lapse there where I was taking it too often. :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Why count when you can sit at 21forme's table and just copy his bet spreads??? :eyepatch::laugh:
Don't laugh at that one. I know an AP who has a long list of other APs he's watched over the years and noted their style of play. If he's scanning for a new table, he wongs in on them when he sees them with raised bets. Team play without the team!


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Don't laugh at that one. I know an AP who has a long list of other APs he's watched over the years and noted their style of play. If he's scanning for a new table, he wongs in on them when he sees them with raised bets. Team play without the team!
I'm not laughing at the ploy, only that others did not seem to recognize what may have been happening. :laugh:
21forme said:
Don't laugh at that one. I know an AP who has a long list of other APs he's watched over the years and noted their style of play. If he's scanning for a new table, he wongs in on them when he sees them with raised bets. Team play without the team!
I had that happen to me at FW, but I don't think he was watching me or even realized I was AP. This was back when they allowed backline betting, and when he Wonged in the second time I pointed to the back of my spot and said "Behind me." He did it again, and this time I glared and scowled, and told him "Behind me!" He got the message and bet behind me from then on. Definitely to his advantage, as FW veterans know.


Active Member
Lazy friend

I'd love to play at a table where someone else was going all the work!

Sounds like u should charge a commission ..,or at least get tipped!
