Have you ever seen BS cards with wrong info?


Well-Known Member
I was playing yesterday and the guy next to me had his little BS card on the table. He had a 13 v 3, looked at his card, and hit. I asked him if that's what the card showed and he said yes. I looked at the card, and sure enough, it said to hit 13 v 2 and 3! It did not say anywhere on the card what rules were for this "strategy."


Well-Known Member
There are cards out there with bad info. Most of the cards are a generic, four deck, S17 type so they may be wrong for the game you are playing, but some are just bad. The disc you get with WINCards is really bad.


Well-Known Member
I have cards that I picked up years ago at the Riviera that
have the worst Basic Strategy imaginable printed on them.

Needless to say, they were free for the asking.