Heads up vs multiple players


Well-Known Member
The house edge doesn't change. However, with a full table you will play fewer hands per hour so you will expect to lose slightly less money because the game is played much slower.



Well-Known Member
Ok, I think I was having a blonde moment:) Tell me if this explanation is correct.

A 6D shoe with 75% pen is approximately 86 hands. Assume an 85 handed BJ table. Each player plus the dealer get 1 hand each to complete the shoe. Each individual player will either win, lose, or push but the dealer has a .5% advantage over all 85 players in total.

Now if 86 shoes are played with those same 85 players then each player as an individual will have a cummulative disadvantage of .5% against the dealer.


Well-Known Member
Consider this:- You are always at a disadvantage on the first hand after a shuffle. The more players,the more frequent the shuffles. The fewer the decks being used,the greater this effect is.


Well-Known Member
ohbehave said:
Ok, I think I was having a blonde moment:) Tell me if this explanation is correct.

A 6D shoe with 75% pen is approximately 86 hands. Assume an 85 handed BJ table. Each player plus the dealer get 1 hand each to complete the shoe. Each individual player will either win, lose, or push but the dealer has a .5% advantage over all 85 players in total.

Now if 86 shoes are played with those same 85 players then each player as an individual will have a cummulative disadvantage of .5% against the dealer.
That sounds correct to me.



Well-Known Member
heads up vs multi players

I know the house advantage is the same regardless of no. of players but it is still better to play heads up with the dealer than other players. Arnold Synder talks of rating games with the profit index in his blackbelt in blackjack and heads up play makes a usually no-play game worthwhile. You do have to have a sufficeint bankroll to play heads up. Sonny summed it up though more players you lose at a slower rate. blackchipjim