Heat at csm?!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here ever attracted heat from casinos at a CSM?

In qld australia the casinos have finally removed the last lower limit shoe games, the minimum bet is now $25/50 to play a 6 deck shoe, to high a bankroll for me considering the variance. In exchange (this is what they told me anyway) they lowered the minimum from $10 to $5 on the CSM's. With proper basic strategy, this is about a loss of about 2 cents per hand under their rules.

However I noticed that the dealers were appallingly incompetent at these $5 dollar tables (max bet $50 or $100). I was able to make at least $50 per hour from mistakes (the usual mistakes of letting me push on soft totals one less than the dealer), but the main mistake was flashing the next card to be delt to first base by accidently drawing an extra dealer card. When it was 10 I bet $25 and when Ace I bet $50 (I still have to look up what the actual ev is, anyone know? Is it still +EV if you have a 9 or a 2?

Anyway after about 6 hours we are at least $500 up flat betting $5 apart from when the dealer flashes first base. This is where it got weird. They pit comes over and watches us for a few minutes (typically I got this type of heat when wonging on the 6 deck shoes). Then they brought up a new dealer (only a few hands after the regular 1/2 hour change over). I believe this guy was instructed to not be friendly and no chit-chat and he kept a strong eye on our hands. He would not let us place a bet until the table was clear (usually if your hand looses you just place the chips back out as soon as he takes the cards and bet).

It was only myself and my friend at the table and we were talking to each other. I said "f***en hate that" to my friend after I doubled on 11 and got an ace, received a sturn warning that such "language would not be tolerated" (we had been swearing for hours with other dealers even swearing at well, like they would say "**** luck" when the dealer draws 5 then 10 from a 6). Anyway security guard then came over and said "I think this is a good time for you to leave". We declined and he stood over us and the bit poss was questioning us for how long we have played and was asking us what chips we have in our pockets (I always put blacks and greens in my pockets because if you goto the toilet they don't watch your chips for you, just your seat and I have had some stolen before).

I think they probably thought we were chip slidding or something because we bet $5 $5 $5 then $25 or $50 when they flashed, so probably thought we were swapping reds for green when they weren't looking or something. Still it was really weird.


Well-Known Member
dacium said:
...the main mistake was flashing the next card to be delt to first base by accidently drawing an extra dealer card. When it was 10 I bet $25 and when Ace I bet $50 (I still have to look up what the actual ev is, anyone know? Is it still +EV if you have a 9 or a 2?
The EV for an ace as your first card is around 52% and a ten is worth about 13%. The nine is break even and all other cards are -EV.

Well done! :1st:



Well-Known Member
heat on a CSM

Since it is not a pitch game, there was little chance of you and your friend switching cards to make hands, so if your wins were a concern of the casino they may have suspected you of playing with the help. A couple of innocent dealer mistakes are caught by the eye (if caught by the pit it would just be corrected on the spot) and instead of asking you to give money back that was given a few hands ago, they begin to watch. Is the dealer doing this on purpose? Can that be proven? Is the dealer just inept at counting to 21? Is there a pattern here? How come every single time the guy at first base bet $50 he received an ace on his first card???
If something seems fishy enough to the pit but he can not put his finger on it, then in a CYA (cover your ass) move he has you removed. He if figures out that the dealer is just sloppy but honest, he has you removed and trains or fires the dealer.



Well-Known Member
I have seen CSM players get heat once. I was backcounting a shoe game and I happened to look up and the the pit critter printing out large glossy photos on her computer right there in the pit. I was like, "wow, somebody is about to get busted." So I start looking around at all the games for these guys in the photos. Turns out it was three young guys at a CSM table. One at 1st, one at 2nd, and one at 3rd. They guy at third base wasn't even playing, but he is leaning so hard on the table it looks like he's laying on his stomach. It took me a little while to figure out what the hell he was doing. He was trying to see the hole card as they slid it across the felt for the tuck. The guy at first base was playing greens and he was winning, so maybe they were on to something. They really didn't look that bright though.


Well-Known Member
jimbiggs said:
I was backcounting a shoe game and I happened to look up and the the pit critter printing out large glossy photos on her computer right there in the pit. I was like, "wow, somebody is about to get busted." So I start looking around at all the games for these guys in the photos. Turns out it was...
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU! {dramatic music}


My long lost twin! {dramatic music}


The girl who died last week out on the desert road! {dramatic music}


Porn! {oh-really-let-me-see music}


Self-portrait pit-boss porn! {stabmyeyesout music}