"heat" in atlantic city


Well-Known Member
I understand that card counters cannot be kicked out of a casino in jersey. Just wondering if anyone here has come into any problems in AC. If so, what precautions would you recommend? thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
I've been shuffled up twice in AC in recent months. That's one of the things they do to annoy us...

What to do? Don't stay in one place too long.


Well-Known Member
shuffled up? im assuming your playing the 6:5 single deck games.... im playing shoes.... ive never seen it but ive heard they can make you flat bet but its not from a reliable source
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Well-Known Member
No, these were shoe games. 6:5 gawd no!

What I mean by shuffled up is when you raise your bet in a good count, the PC will instruct the dealer to shuffle, killing the potentially good shoe. I've heard about the flat betting, too, though I haven't experienced it personally (yet.)
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Active Member
xxrenegadexx said:
I understand that card counters cannot be kicked out of a casino in jersey. Just wondering if anyone here has come into any problems in AC. If so, what precautions would you recommend? thank you in advance
Didn't a friend of yours get taken out to the beach at Bally's and beaten? And didn't you witness this again with someone else screaming out Blackjack info as they were being dragged out? Sorry, I just couldn't pass it up.


Well-Known Member
xxrenegadexx said:
they shuffled before the cut card? wow.... which casino if i may ask?
It's a pretty standard countermeasure so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens at numerous casinos in AC.


bj bob

Well-Known Member
And let's not forget

JoeV said:
Didn't a friend of yours get taken out to the beach at Bally's and beaten? And didn't you witness this again with someone else screaming out Blackjack info as they were being dragged out? Sorry, I just couldn't pass it up.
....that he was thrown to the sharks and later kidnapped by a nearby(alien?) pirate ship, never to be heard from again!