hello all, new at this stuff.

BJ newbie

New Member
Hello dude and dudettes.

My brother has been a counter for a couple of years. We live in Sac. and go places with his wife and my girlfriend together this summer. I watched him count down a deck as he calls it at a couple of different casinos. we took a trip with his fishing friends to a little casino on the california and nevada border. It was cool to see him do his thing. he walked out with a couple of hundred dollars the first night we were there. I lost 50.00. the next day he told me to follow his lead and do basically as he did. I made over a hundred bucks and he made 150. after lunch he was talking to the lady pit boss as we did his thing. man i wish i could have stayed longer and not have to go to come back for work. Hes going to teach me his count as he calls it when he gets home. man I'm really hiped on this stuff.:eyepatch:


Well-Known Member
That sounds great! Let us know how it goes. There are a lot of strategies that two people (or more) can use to increase your profits. Maybe you should suggest that he join our website as well. :)


BJ newbie

New Member
Hello Sonny,

Went back to the Topaz lake yesterday, My Bro was still there, we came home today wow what a awsume motorcycle ride. my ninja got a workout. I only played for about an hour last night. I have been working on a High low count he told me to write down. I couldn't keep the count by myself I kept forgetting it. I picked up under 100 dollars then took it to the Craps game and lost it there. I did not very my bet as he does he wasnt there he spent his last night with his wife and kids. he told me he would teach me to very my bets later. (whatever that means) we just got home so thought I'd tell ya all about it. nuthin to cool.sorry. My Bro hates these computers he gave me this one that was his. he says he spends way to much time on them, he turned me on to this place, he reads and learns but hasnt posted I guess. hes home to hes going to help me on the count.


Well-Known Member
BJ newbie said:
he told me he would teach me to very my bets later. (whatever that means)
That means you vary the amount of money you bet based on your advantage on the next hand. After you learn how to count cards you will learn how to bet using the count. That is where the majority of your advantage comes from so it is very important.


BJ newbie

New Member
Thanks Sonny

I have been reading different post here and there is a lot i dont understand. My bro lives about 60 miles away and with work we don't get to hook up to often anymore. I'll ride down to his place this weekend and see what i can pick up from him. i talked to him last night. he said he picked up about 450 for the two weeks he was there. He says he likes that place because its only one deck. That's pretty cool xtra money.:grin: