Help with counting cards please


I'm new to counting cards and just had few questions about it.
I know you're suppose to add +1 for 2-6, 7-9 is neutral and 10-A is -1. Is this called Hi-Lo counting method?
and if so, when you start counting do you start off at 0 from the fresh pack?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
yes, hi-lo is a balanced count so you would start counting at 0. once you finish the deck, or decks, if you counted correctly you should end with 0.


i did read the KO count thing in this site, but I read Hi-Lo is better than KO-count in this forum. I don't think I have trouble counting cards, I just want a method that works better.


Most of the time, the true count not over plus 2 on 6 decks that I card count. Lot of time the true count is even or plus 1. Is anybody have this same experience?? Thanks for you comments.


Well-Known Member
I play a 4 deck game and find the shoe is rarely above a TC of +2 until there's only 2 decks or less remaining. That gives me about 1 deck to hope for a high count before the cut card. With that said though I've had the TC go above +10 when the shoe was nearing just 1 deck remaining.


Well-Known Member
as e-town posted in another thread if you will check out the card counting strategy advisor at, it will list all of the popular, and proven, strategies and will rank them according to your needs and skills. then you can research further those you are interested in.