Hi-Lo Lite and Uston APC..


Well-Known Member
Hiya guys,
Have been reading through the boards and i've read a few things which I wouldn't mind have clearing up.

Uston APC, Id love to learn it and id love the challenge, however, apparently it is 'obselete'?! What?! Do the values not accurately represent todays game? Does sidecounting Aces not work in todays game? I dont understand how a system can become obsolete...?

Also, on the boards here I noticed a few posters recommending not to learn the HiLo lite straight from BlackBelt in Blackjack. Has this count been improved? If so id love to get hold of any Improvements/changes/Indices. Ive been using the system straight from BiB.

Id love to switch to UstonAPC but HILo is more convenient for Sequencing and tracking (so ive read)



PierceNation said:
Hiya guys,

Uston APC, Id love to learn it and id love the challenge, however, apparently it is 'obselete'?! What?! Do the values not accurately represent todays game? Does sidecounting Aces not work in todays game? I dont understand how a system can become obsolete...?

Id love to switch to UstonAPC but HILo is more convenient for Sequencing and tracking (so ive read)

YOU ANSWERED YOUR OWN QUESTION AS TO WHY PEOPLE SAY IT IS OBSELETE. If it worked well before it works well now. The difference is who much work people want to put in. They are willing to give up money to take the easy road.


Well-Known Member
That's what I figured. If I have no luck obtaining a high level of Shuffle tracking skill I'll try it out. The BC and PE is way higher than the system i use now. Well worth the extra work.



Well-Known Member
systems become obsolete because there are easier, improved systems to replace it. not to say that it won't work, but why use it if there's something better. I still have a 386dx PC, but hell if I'm going to use it vs. my current cheapie $400 i7 core PC. as far as ASC in a shoe game, it's too much work for little gain.

hi lo lite has much less index plays than the pure hilo. I believe the plays are also grouped and rounded to different intervals of TCs for easier recall. as inaccurate as counting is, grouping and rounding index plays makes it even more so.