the table minimum is $10, and i dont understand why everybody has the mentality of, "if you cant get an advantage, dont even try to lower the house edge" and thats essentially what people are saying when they say "if you cant spread just play bs and get comps".. there is no in between? of course there is, and thats what i want to do, get within .1% of zero (aka losing less than $1/hr).. everybody tells me to spread, but you realize how dangerous that is with a $1000 bankroll? you guys cant be serious, if your an AP, you should HIGHLY be advising against spreading with a $1000 bankroll and $10 table minimums.. it doesnt take a genius to realize that spreading $10-$40 could EASILY get you killed with a $1000 bankroll, and once i lose like $600 quickly, im really going to be upset and not sure whether to continue, then i decide to continue, now im down $1000 and thinking omg i lost $1000 to gambling in 1 month, even tho i was counting, this is horrible, etc.. i cant have that, and it would be foolish to try to do so.. and this isnt about emotionally being able to handle the swings, its about taking a huge risk for a small gain.. btw i wouldnt have to spread at all if i played only when the tc was over 1, but that would mean i would only be playing 26% of hands, not to mention +2 which is probably like 10%.. if im only playing 1/4 of the hands, what the hell is the point? i will probably be asked to play at that point.. thanks for all your help guys, but i know there is some system out there that is perfect for flat betting, a FEW index plays, and wonging