> Are there any other ways to improve the performance of hi-opt II even more?
> besides using RPC for betting.
First of all, the Hi-Opt II (with the ace sidecount) has an excellent Betting Correlation. I think it is somewhere around .99, right guys? Trying to improve it is probably beating a dead horse.
You could add another sidecount, but this is probably not worth it. Multi-parameter counts can be very difficult and may not add very much to your win rate.
You could learn to play faster. Playing an extra 20 hands per hour can add an extra .20% to your win rate. That could be more than an added sidecount will get you.
You could learn more BS departures. The Hi-Opt II has a very good PE, why not take advantage of it?
There are numerous other ways to get an advantage in this game (like shuffle-tracking, hole carding, sequence tracking, side bets, etc.) that spending too much time on your counting system alone could be detrimental.