High-roller threatens to sue US casino for bad feng shui

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
I think you would want to read this. Now don't laugh!

(Dead link: http://www.businesstimes.com.sg/sub/news/story/0,4574,335597,00.html?)


Well-Known Member
I assume there is no way in hell the litigant will actually WIN?

If he does that would basically mean a precedent is on the books that assumes Feng Shui is real!

Note that his luck only went bad AFTER he discovered the cloths, fans etc. If Feng Shui were real, his luck would have gone bad immediately after the fans and cloths were set up. Thus, there is a case to be made for the position that the psychological impact of the discovery of bad Feng Shui made him bet in a statistically less optimal way.

So, what games was he playing and how was he betting?

Chinese gamblers and high rollers are rather fond of baccarat so lets assume he was playing baccarat. Was he always betting on the banker then, after discovering the bad feng shui, suddenly switched to betting on ties or the player?

I assume the threat was either empty, or if for some reason it DOES become serious it gets thrown out of court.


Well-Known Member
sounds to me like there was a spill that required towels and a fan to dry.

he would have a legitimate beef, if he slipped and fell because no body bothered to cleanup the hazardous conditions. or maybe he would just chalk up a broken hip to bad luck and not fung shei.
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Well-Known Member
Charlie Chan's Fang Slew

Brutus said:
sounds to me like there was a spill that required towels and a fan to dry.

he would have a legitimate beef, if he slipped and fell because no body bothered to cleanup the hazardous conditions. or maybe he would just chalk up a broken hip to bad luck and not fung shei.
Look mate, if you want to talk about this Asian malarkey, it's essential you spell it correctly. It's not fung shei. It's Fong Shoi. No, it's Fong Bok Choi. Uh, no, it's Fang Wot or something. Anyway, I'm glad you mentioned legitimate beef. I just ordered some Fing Soi legit beef with fortune crackers... This guy definitely needs a Chinese lawyer in Vegas. :cat:
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Well-Known Member
21forme said:
I always thought frivolous lawsuits were a specialty of the US...
I can't access the article, but from the title it appears that filing a frivolous lawsuit is still one step more than this person has actually taken. You can file a lawsuit against anyone for any reason (recently a lawmaker in Nebraska filed a lawsuit against God to prove this) and threatening to file a lawsuit is even flimsier than that.


Well-Known Member
Sim the happy feeling

QFIT said:
I thought happy thoughts.
When you are playing BJ, do your deliberately happy thoughts have any positive effects on the flow of cards to, and past, your box? A one-billion sim on this would settle it once and for all. Now that would take a whole lot of happy thoughts. Are you up to all that happiness? :cat:


Thought I would share this with all my friends.



Katweezel said:
When you are playing BJ, do your deliberately happy thoughts have any positive effects on the flow of cards to, and past, your box? A one-billion sim on this would settle it once and for all. Now that would take a whole lot of happy thoughts. Are you up to all that happiness? :cat:
From - (Dead link: http://www.enlightennext.org/magazine/j25/kenny.asp) _The Science Of Collective Consciousness_
Dean Radin, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Lab, and Roger Nelson's Global Consciousness Project have taken research into consciousness “field effects” even further—into the realm of mind/matter interactions—by conducting a series of intriguing experiments with random number–generating (RNG) computers. RNGs can basically be thought of as sophisticated coin-flipping machines, programmed to issue zeroes or ones randomly. That is, just as if you were to flip a coin one hundred times and could expect the “heads” and “tails” sides to come up fifty times each, so it is with an RNG—producing, on average, an equal number of zeroes and ones. Ordinary people, however, have used the power of thought alone to create order out of this randomness, causing RNGs that were sometimes thousands of miles away to issue significantly more of one number over many trials, simply by intending to do so. Bonded pairs—couples in a relationship—produced effects that were six times stronger than individuals. Like the remote viewing experiments, these results indicate that people with an emotional connection, when acting in concert, are more influential than individuals acting alone.


KenSmith said:
Hey InPlay, I didn't know you were in the auto parts business in China.
Check your translator Ken - not auto parts, its gay sex toys - loosely translated as 'plugs'
and 'pistons', explaining his predilection for graphic sodomy PMs, which turns out to simply
be his desire to provide enthusiastic sales demos to susceptible young male card-counters. zg
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KenSmith said:
Hey InPlay, I didn't know you were in the auto parts business in China.

Just the stockmarket. I am giving you a stock tip. Buy CYD. Looks like a sure double by the end of the year. A lot of people can make up what they lost at the BJ tables. That's why I am here to help you guys. One other thing be sure to stay out of the gold market.
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InPlay said:
Just the stockmarket. I am giving you a stock tip. Buy CYD. Looks like a sure double by the end of the year. A lot of people can make up what they lost at the BJ tables. That's why I am here to help you guys.
Kasi, InPlay wants to help you! zg


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
When you are playing BJ, do your deliberately happy thoughts have any positive effects on the flow of cards to, and past, your box? A one-billion sim on this would settle it once and for all. Now that would take a whole lot of happy thoughts. Are you up to all that happiness? :cat:
"Happy thoughts" do not effect your EV directly. They effect the number of times you get barred. And that effects your EV.


Well-Known Member
No happy sim... gee whillikers

QFIT said:
"Happy thoughts" do not effect your EV directly. They effect the number of times you get barred. And that effects your EV.
Norm, so does that mean a one-billion happy sim ain't gonna happen with you? Sheesh... all that happiness going unused. Guess I'll ask around. You know anyone happy who can sim? I know that's a tough one... but maybe a name might pop up.