High true count, good penetration


Well-Known Member
Would you still split eights against the dealers ace up card?

My personal feeling is to either hit or stay. A coin flip. If she's got a nine or an eight hole card its a tricky one to beat. Even a low card.


Well-Known Member
Knox said:
Agreed but if that isn't an option? "Surrender" isn't always available on some of the tables I've played.

In a high high count if the dealer has a seven or less hole card the eights look less bad when split. Chances are good the dealer would hit a couple tens and get the 17 and the player a pair of eighteens maybe.

The problem occurs when the hole card is a nine or an eight. Or a very low card.


Well-Known Member

You should always split 8,8 vs A unless the count becomes extremely negative if you want to do what is mathematically correct.

Good luck.


P.S. Unless of course you can surrender :)