Hitting soft 17, a prosecutable offense?

Great article, though. Most unskilled players have no idea whether H17 or S17 is better.

Bad rules & games don't effectively keep the modern gambler (who goes intending to lose) away from a game but articles like this will offer some resistance to the trend of rules getting worse and worse, by guaranteeing the casino some bad press if they do it.



As a game, it's a "Crown" pleaser

Reid Sexton
May 13, 2007

YOU have probably heard of blackjack, a game of skill and chance played at casinos around the world. But what about its little-known cousin, "Crown blackjack"?

For those not in the know, this is what is now played at Crown Casino, after it replaced regular blackjack last month.

But it is not called "Crown blackjack" by the dealers, nor on the signs that hang above the tables. , It is known simply as blackjack, even though they are two different games.


Well, it would seem that's half the point.

By replacing regular blackjack with Crown blackjack — but only in "non-premium" areas where there are no high-rollers — the casino will increase its take from some gamblers by up to 40 per cent.

The name change means the new rule does not have to be published under the rules of blackjack that Crown is legally required to publish on its website.

Instead, it's buried on page 39 of the 53-page blackjack rule book, in section 14 under the heading — "Crown blackjack".

...more - http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/its-a-crown-pleaser/2007/05/12/1178899169218.html


Well-Known Member

I am from sydney but i would look forward to a trip to Melbourne to play at Crown.. NEVER AGAIN...

i wouldnt even play one hand.. its not only the b**lshit rule change but also the way the went about it.. and the fact that its only on the main gaming floor and not for the whales.. CROWN can kiss my ass.. the only way to win here is to invest in upcoming float on the australian stock exchange when PBL splits into media and gaming.

if you cant beat em.. join em'

i hope they lose more than $6 million in people boycotting the game..

thats what happends when there is no competition casino do whatever they want and people will still play


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Great article, though. Most unskilled players have no idea whether H17 or S17 is better.
my experience is that many dealers mistakenly think H17 is better for players. HA!


Well-Known Member
Mimosine said:
my experience is that many dealers mistakenly think H17 is better for players. HA!
Doesn't H17 mess up the sacred flow of the cards? The triple helix inverted diametrically opposed 3rd order standard deviation variance is introduced with this rule.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
haha thats the last thing you need

the god damn post mortem after the hand saying "if it wasnt H17 . the person on first base would of got perfect pairs.. you would of got blackjack and the dealer would have busted. on the next hand.

two weeks ago i had an argument with a drunk guy at the table over the "post mortem" of the hand before.. he kept insisting the dealer would of busted but i said "no he would of made a hand of 17" . it held up the table for a few minutes because he wouldnt even play his hands he was just looking at me trying to go over what cards came out and i was just shaking my head saying "you are wrong , you are wrong"