Hole cards and a hello!


Hello everyone :) First post/thread here.

Short intro - me and my one friend have basically just started counting and learning BS, so this is a joint account which we hope to use to get answers to many of our questions as we don't know any other counters. I also want to make almost a beginners guide as such based on all the info I have found - sort of a handbook type effort including everything from BS to deviations and bank role management and cutting out all the crap that you don't really need to know to improve your game. I believe this would help me and my friend to get a lot better quickly and would also be a quick source of all the info if we want to bring some more people in - so expect a few threads on this later on! :)

Anyhow - back to the topic! At all the casinos my friend and I have been to they do not have a hole card (I think that's the correct term - ie. the card under/next to the dealer's face up card) and they then wait for us to finish playing then take cards to get to the dealer's total.

My question is this - Does the dealer not having a hole card affect BS in any way or how would it affect the game?

Thanks in advance! and I hope to have a good stay here!


Well-Known Member
It depends what happens when a dealer gets a BJ. If all you lose is your original bet, than when the dealer takes his hole card makes no difference.
If you split or double down, or both, and lose all the additional bets with a dealer BJ, it makes a big difference. Infact, there is a seperate BS for those games.


shadroch said:
It depends what happens when a dealer gets a BJ. If all you lose is your original bet, than when the dealer takes his hole card makes no difference.
If you split or double down, or both, and lose all the additional bets with a dealer BJ, it makes a big difference. Infact, there is a seperate BS for those games.
Ye, if the dealer wins, regardless of BJ, you lose everything you put up. Can you link me to the BS?Or explain the differences. Thanks for the reply ^_^