home vs. casino


Well-Known Member
After my first attempt at counting a few days ago at a casino, I 'm wondering how experienced players found the adjustment from practicing your counting at home, to going to casinos. I actually found it easier than I thought, although I only counted 2 shoes out of a 2 hour session. I used KO rookie, and am not implying I was bang on. I did have an opportunity at a positive shoe, and did raise my bet accordingly and won. Beginners luck ? I practice playing heads up, 2 & 3 player. I track my count and doube check after shoe is done. I am consistently out 1-3 points on count(have been dead on only a few times.) I also guess how much penetration, and usually I play 65-80% in. Any more drills or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
"I 'm wondering how experienced players found the adjustment from practicing your counting at home, to going to casinos. I actually found it easier than I thought"

Congratulations! Becoming able to count cards at the casino is one of the more difficult things I ever learned.

"although I only counted 2 shoes out of a 2 hour session."

That's a start!

"Beginners luck ?"

That, or coincidence, or something. In blackjack, short-term results are meaningless. One shoe is almost as short-term as you can get!

"I practice playing heads up, 2 & 3 player."

Do you mean at the casino, or against software, or what?


Well-Known Member
home vs casino

hey cancelor

I do not use any software. I play at the kitchen table, with a 6 deck shoe.
Any suggestions ?



Well-Known Member
There is an adjustment to make. If you struggle at all and you will that's ok! You will get distracted at times and lose the count. An example might be when you are trying to count, add up the six cards in your hand and have the guy next to you giving you advice on why not to hit that 16v10. You will fatigue quicker and sometimes the rush of an increased bet can also distract you. Then with somemore practice it will all just click and you will wonder why anyone would ever go to the casino and not count. Lots and lots of practice will make almost perfect. It really will become effortless after a while. I would also practice backcounting in the casino just to get used to the flow of the game and the speed of different dealers. Find a table with a really quick dealer and just backcount, this especially helps speed up your learning process.


Well-Known Member

The best thing to do with that 6 deck shoe would be to get someone to deal to you from it, if you haven't already. Getting someone to play dealer for me was the thing that helped me most to be able to count at the casino.

Things I do to stay "tuned up":

To practice keeping the count while playing your hand: I imagine the dealer has a 10 up, although it could be any upcard. Then I deal myself hands, and play them as I would against a 10, while keeping the count. At the end of the deck you can tell if your count was on.

Count through a deck for speed. I do this twice every morning. (If I do them both under 25 seconds, I figure my brain is functioning, and it's safe to go to work.:) )

I deal groups of cards out on the table and count them. At the end of the deck I confirm that the last card is what I think it should be, i.e. high, low, or neutral.

Doing all that takes less than 5 minutes in the morning.

Most nights I play 100 hands against the Basic Strategy Trainer, and keep track of the results. You can't check your counting, but it's good for practicing bet sizing, and for seeing just how large the fluctuations in your bankroll can be. This takes about 15 minutes.


Well-Known Member
golfnut101 said:
hey cancelor

I do not use any software. I play at the kitchen table, with a 6 deck shoe.
Any suggestions ?

You might try the pratice game offered on this site for one. LOL
I was just wondering...

I have been practicing basic strategy and counting at home for a while now and feel like I have a very good hold on both areas. I am just using a basic HiLo count but will buy KOblackjack soon to learn the KO count. I am nervous to go to the casino and try counting there.

My question is, Is it imperative to practice at the casino to get better, or should I wait for another couple weeks or months, or just untill I learn a better count such as KO or red7?
I have been practicing at least 1-3 hours every day and am a very fast learner so I will probably have read the book in a few days.

2nd question-how long do you guys think it will take to learn the KO or red7 count?

I think I am making progress but cant be sure because I havent gone to the casino(to play blackjack) yet.

appreciate your replies.


Well-Known Member
L21 practicing in the casino is a huge help. However you don't want to get burned either. If you don't live too far from a casino go and just backcount without playing. It will give you a feel for the actual game and a chance to practice against the different speeds of the dealers. When you are ready to hop on the table find a low end minimum table of $5 or less if possible which will remove any pressure, count the cards but just flat bet, even if the count gets high. You are more interested at getting used to the game and its distractions at this point and getting comfortable at counting and seeing if you can keep the count through the whole shoe. Then when you are comfortable enough at the live table then you can start raising your bet spread in favorable counts.


Well-Known Member
Langstroth21 said:
I have been practicing basic strategy and counting at home for a while now and feel like I have a very good hold on both areas. I am just using a basic HiLo count but will buy KOblackjack soon to learn the KO count. I am nervous to go to the casino and try counting there.

My question is, Is it imperative to practice at the casino to get better, or should I wait for another couple weeks or months, or just untill I learn a better count such as KO or red7?
I have been practicing at least 1-3 hours every day and am a very fast learner so I will probably have read the book in a few days.

2nd question-how long do you guys think it will take to learn the KO or red7 count?

I think I am making progress but cant be sure because I havent gone to the casino(to play blackjack) yet.
In Kevin Blackwood's book he said he'd turn up Pink Floyd really loud while he practiced counting. I think that is a really great idea to play with loud music playing in the background. Any kind of distractions while practicing will prepare you. I haven't played BJ at the casino yet, but I am going to make sure I am 100% ready before I walk in. I am not going there to lose money, I am going to make money. And I'm not really doing it for fun either. I want to make money.
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