Horseshoe Hammond


Well-Known Member
6-8 deckers, $15 and up mins, 2 decks cut off. Not really worth your time.

However, if you have total rewards points, they can be used on a 1:1 basis anywhere, including the fantastic steakhouse and giftshop.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
Great steak house
Really a great steak house. Can't say enough good things about it. Also, check out the Binion's at the Shoe in Tunica if anyone is ever down there.


Well-Known Member
Was there yesterday. 4 pits about 4-6 tables open in each pit. Mostly $15 a few scattered $10. Most 6 decks with 2 cut off. Unlike other Horseshoe/Harrah's I've been to there was no option to surrender. The Spanish 21 never did open. They are moving the table configuration around also. Pit Bosses were friendly enough. No heat apparent-at least while I was there.


Well-Known Member
went to the horseshoe this weekend and experienced the slowest dealers and slowest gameplay i've experienced. all tables were full at 6 players all night and the pitbosses took WAY too long to acknowledge a dealer's " checks play" or errors... all in all, pretty sub-par experience

most of the clientele was more interested in the 21+3 bonus bet as opposed to the actual blackjack hands. made it intersting because every once in a while you would have a 9-to-1 payout on a 25 dollar bet, meaning that checks DO move in/out of the dealer's rack and that you're less likely to get a checks play call on your bigger +tc bets.