How Do I Avoid Promoting Blackjack To US End Users?


New Member
I am setting up a website that includes an introduction to blackjack, blackjack rules and strategies, with some advertising of blackjack affiliate programs.

When joining affiliate programs, I occasionally come across warnings saying that the programs concerned do not accept Publishers into the Program that intend to promote gaming to US end users, and publishers must comply with all UK gaming and advertising laws, comply with all laws in jurisdictions they target, and not promote gaming to US end users.

As my website will be online and hopefully will be attracting people worldwide, how on earth can I be assured that I am not targeting US end users, for example?

Bob Gill


New Member
Thanks for that.

I will check out the site you use for geo-targeting. Do you just avoid US visitors, or include all countries with gambling restrictions?

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us, Ken.
I have checked out the website but found that I have to either, go for a suscription service or go for a "free" trial service which requires me to purchase 1 of 4 software to run the trial service.
Is there any way I can check out how good the website is for me before commiting some money to it.


Staff member
There are some free alternatives to the MaxMind subscription service. The accuracy may not be as good, but I expect it is still reasonably good. Search Google for geo-targeting.