How do you deal with a tip hustler?

I'm in venue now. Never had this happen before, but I just had two dealers in a row strongly imply that a tip was called for, one more politely than the other. I was getting good speed and pen ($25 DD) so I didn't mind, but still this kind of thing looks like it could lead to trouble. What are some good procedures for dealing with this? Thanks in advance.
re:Tip Hustler

Hustle him right back by asking for an early shuffle or deeper pen. Things
he can't possibly do. When he doesn't comply, he'll know there won't be
any tips. If he complains to the pit boss, you can mention you were being
hustled for tips. Either way, it gives you an out.


Well-Known Member
Multiple Answers....

Kind of depends on the situation. Some examples:

1. Several years ago, I was playing at LVC,heads-up, and was tipping Dealer every time I won more than 2 hands in a row, via a "Tip-Bet" on the next hand. The "game speed" quickly accelerated, and I realized that she was paying off some pushes and "multi-card 22's" (6D, face-up game), ESPECIALLY when her Tip-Bet was active. I did not like this, and was getting ready to leave, when a "herd" of drunk college students filled up ALL of the open seats, and suddenly this stopped.

2. In stores, where Dealers keep their own tips, presence/absence of a "Tip Bet" at the "Shuffle Point" in Pos./Neg. Counts will often cause "Another Round/Shuffle", of course, as appropriate! In these SWEET SITIUATIONS, Dealers can HUSTLE all they come when they are FULLY TRAINED!

3. At Harrah's in KC-MO "a while back" I went on THE LOSING STREAK FROM HELL! Most of my hands were 15's and 16's vs. Dealer 10-up....Bust, Bust, Bust. DD 6,5 vs.6-up...draw an Ace and watch the Dealer draw out 21. However, in addition to the usual story of 3 starving kids, wife's kidney transplant, etc., he was Polite, Courteous, etc., so, even while losing, I made multiple "Tip-Bets".....lost so many hands that quite simply "He felt sorry for me, and likely himself, i.e., lost tips". So not every hand, but about half, he started FLASHING ME HIS HOLE CARD!!! And we ain't talking an 18-Degree flash of "Paint vs. #'s".....we are talking a 45-Degree view of that "Queen of Diamonds" down below. Did not help.....every FLASH seemed to occur when his 20 was likely still going to beat my 19, even if I hit.

4. "WANT TO SEE MY P#SSY?", asked the female Dealer in Caruthersville, Mo., i.e. Casino ASS-TAR.
"Sure", replied me, "but what's the Deal?"
"Make a $5 bet for me, and if it wins, I show you my P#ssy!"
Made the bet, we both lost!
Next hand, I asked "Same Deal?"....."Certainly", she replied.
I won, she won, AND.......


I guess that if you are into cats, it was a cute P#SSY!


(A) I generally tip-away about 1/3-1/2 of my "ADVANTAGE", and mostly for cover, but then also to reward good service.

(B) I pretty much just ignore the TRUE TIP HUSTLER' tipping style rewards those who are HELPFUL, Hustler or not.



Well-Known Member
For the special case

A little tip hustling is something I just ignore and I do tip but only when I think it is waranted.
When I think a dealer has gone to far, especially in a keep their own house, I never tip but as soon as he is tapped out I make sure he sees me put a tip out for his replacement. A little spiteful, but perhaps I need to politely send a message.

One thing that will get my wrath is the dealer who publicly shows you up. Yesterday late in a shoe, negative count I hit 12 vs 3 and bust. Dealer takes the next card to his 13, a 7 and holds it up in front of me for all to see. He then received my death stare and though I wished for a fantastic next shoe where he would have been stiffed completely by me, the next shoe was decent, could have put a small bet up but of course did not. Anyway, he never again made eye contact. Also, when I colored up he was shorting me but the pit and I saw it. I took my chips, leaned over towards him and said that's two. Since this is not Vegas but a place local to me, he knows he will be remembered.

Big Cowboy

Well-Known Member
Dumb Dealer

Victoria, two things:
I am just amazed that people in the "entertainment" business (and I use that term loosely as I point to my rear) go about trying to piss off their customers. Secondly, I'm wondering what you'll do to him if the count ever gets to three.


Well-Known Member

Have not thought about that but even though I live in soggy SoCal now, I am a Bronx girl, who grew up in a tough area with three older brothers, so I can at least sound a bit threatening easily. Anyway, I enjoyed saying it with the pit knowing he had tried shorting me even if it was an accident.
I once teamed up with a counter cowboy from Corpus Cristi on rodeo week in Vegas and we both made quite a bit of money. Still have my Stenson to fit in just in case I get back at that time.
Boss says shuffle

I was at the Lady Luck and got toke hustled. This dragon lady dealer with bad English got pissed at some of the hands I was hitting on some nice plus counts. The usual comments of "you boy's lucky tonight" and "you boys making lot of money" were thrown around as she fished for some tokeage. She finally got pissed and started shuffling when the count even got close to positive. Her line every time was "boss say shuffle, sorry boys." I guess I should have tipped her at some point, especially since she was tracking things apparently. I hate tipping toke hustlers, but then they do have some power to mess things up like this charmer did. The old Binions before they closed was brutal with the toke hustling jerks in there. Made it unbearable to even play there.
The truth

As a former dealer, I know that most joints do not tolerate their employees hustling tokes. I'd mention something to a boss on the way out, probably, and not tip a thing. I also know that dealers cannot keep a count while dealing, it is just too hard to count and continuously add up everyone's hands. Even heads up, you just go to fast. Plus, most do not know how to or care about counting.