EasyRhino said:
That's interesting, as others have had their MGM Mirage permanent record marked up to where they are not welcome to play BJ at any other property.
So maybe you got backed off by someone who's bad at paperwork.
I know a few eyes and they claim to have some latitude as to how they handle each case. For instance, they have discretion as to whether or not they put you in the Griffin book. If they size you up as small time, they might ask you not to play, but not hurt you any further. Sounds stupid, but that's what they told me. Also, they've told me they like to give someone they think is a counter one more chance, so they will wait until a return visit to evaluate their game one more time before they bar them. That also sounds stupid, but maybe they are not confident in their own counting ability, or they are afraid that your increased bets are inadvertently coincidental with the count. Who the hell knows what goes on in there minds. Seems like their focus is more on in-house thievery than card counters anyway, unless you're a high roller and a threat to win tens of thousands. Of course, if you are blatant in your counting/spreading, exercising no masking whatsoever, it's like saying,"Hey, I'm a counter. So what are you going to do about it?" If you back them into a corner, I'm afraid your days are numbered in that joint.