How many hands to double your money


Well-Known Member
I just want to have a point of reference for what to average descent number of hands that you have to play to double your money (in theory). So lets say you have a small edge, like 0.5%, if your simulation gives you that edge. Can you please give me the numbers you get?

Ending Bankroll $$$
Starting bankroll $$$
1 Unit = x?
How many hands did you run the simulation with?

ps: if your edge is not .5%, please tell me what it is, and from this I should be able to calculate what I need.


Question for QFIT: Do we have that data online?
Oh, how about this (something tells me this is a trap!) -

Hands required given goal and desired probability -
This is the formula on page 137 solved for time.
Here, you calculate the needed number of hands.
I get a very dismal 500,000 hands, but I'm terrible at this stuff, without being able to ask someone who knows!
But thats just the neophyte in me! zg
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Well-Known Member
jee_pack said:
500,000 hands that sounds like a lot...
That's about 500 hours of BJ. It's a little high for one standard deviation, but not unreasonable for a card counter.
