How many index #'s?

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Some indices are set so you lose LESS, like 8,8 vs 10 up. So instead of losing .50 you could only be losing .42. A,A vs 6 is a + money play.

The answer to the question is found in how much you will be playing. If you are going to play full time DD, learn Hi Opt II (or Zen for the Ace shy guy) and all of the indices. If you are a weekend warrior, Hi Low with the Ill 18 is fine.
The reason why some indexes end up with a negative cash value is pobably due to the errors in deck estimation. If an index is weak, so weak that it earns you barely over zero, screw up just a little bit on your TC calculation and it will lose money for you. I used half deck rounding on my sims, and just that is probably enough to bring you into negative territory.