How many indices...


Well-Known Member
I guess you guys can answer this question in 1 of 2 ways. Either how many indices do you think I need to learn or how many do you yourself use or both. (Oh I will be using Hi-Low)

I think that if I am going to be playing mostly 6D or 8D shoe games then the Illustrious 18 and Fab 4 from BJAttack would suffice. Or should I even know more for this situation? I know that for a 6D game the TC will be over +4 only about 3% of the time and an 8D the TC will be over +4 only about 2% of the time. So learning the index plays for a TC of 4 or higher wouldn't do me any good in this situation. Right?

So if I play either SD or DD games how many indices should I know? Here the TC would go over +4 about 6% of the time (DD) and up to 12% for SD.

So given either situation do I need to know 30, 40, 70 more?? What is your guys thoughts on this. There's enough for me to learn without learning stuff I don't need. :)


Well-Known Member
person1125 said:
I guess you guys can answer this question in 1 of 2 ways. Either how many indices do you think I need to learn or how many do you yourself use or both. (Oh I will be using Hi-Low)

I think that if I am going to be playing mostly 6D or 8D shoe games then the Illustrious 18 and Fab 4 from BJAttack would suffice. Or should I even know more for this situation? I know that for a 6D game the TC will be over +4 only about 3% of the time and an 8D the TC will be over +4 only about 2% of the time. So learning the index plays for a TC of 4 or higher wouldn't do me any good in this situation. Right?

So if I play either SD or DD games how many indices should I know? Here the TC would go over +4 about 6% of the time (DD) and up to 12% for SD.

So given either situation do I need to know 30, 40, 70 more?? What is your guys thoughts on this. There's enough for me to learn without learning stuff I don't need. :)
Nobody recommends learning more indexes for the same reason that nobody recommends learning a level 2 count. If you are looking to increase your EV you should learn advanced techniques.


Well-Known Member
Richard Munchkin Interview

He interviewed Johnny Chang and his wife Laurie..(It's on Arnold Snyders Website
which I find to be a highly censored website) Anyway, she said that the M.I.T. Team didn't use indices,just high low count and Basic Strategy,and she said they were "winning money like pigs".
I guess they did take Insurance used the 16v10 indice but it sounded like that was about it.
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Well-Known Member
person1125 said:
So if I play either SD or DD games how many indices should I know? Here the TC would go over +4 about 6% of the time (DD) and up to 12% for SD.

So given either situation do I need to know 30, 40, 70 more?? What is your guys thoughts on this. There's enough for me to learn without learning stuff I don't need. :)
i know about 23 total. in shoe games only 18 or so are applicaple, in shoe games without LS only about 15 are applicable. Since the addition of splitting 10s to the repetoir, I have never even seen a count high-enough to warrant those two plays :/

bj bob

Well-Known Member
person1125 said:
I guess you guys can answer this question in 1 of 2 ways. Either how many indices do you think I need to learn or how many do you yourself use or both. (Oh I will be using Hi-Low)

So if I play either SD or DD games how many indices should I know? Here the TC would go over +4 about 6% of the time (DD) and up to 12% for SD.

So given either situation do I need to know 30, 40, 70 more?? What is your guys thoughts on this. There's enough for me to learn without learning stuff I don't need. :)
Since I play only SD, DD, I use 60 indeces and have found that about 50 of them actually occur in real play. Plays such as 9,9 vs. A and 5 have come up exactly ONCE each in 4 years of play/practice, most of the others have come into play enough to warrant their usage.
I think a few of the other members, e.g. Zg use as many as 90.


Well-Known Member
rogue1 said:
He interviewed Johnny Chang and his wife Laurie..(It's on Arnold Snyders Website
which I find to be a highly censored website) Anyway, she said that the M.I.T. Team didn't use indices,just high low count and Basic Strategy,and she said they were "winning money like pigs".
I guess they did take Insurance used the 16v10 indice but it sounded like that was about it.
Well, it depends on who, when and where. The MIT teams used many indexes. But, when engaging in team play; not all players need use indexes. There exist many variations on the theme.


Well-Known Member
I really need to buy some sim software, because I just came up with a theoretical question:

In a single deck game (play-all situation), given that you're already playing Il-18, which would be more useful:

1) The next 10 most useful positive count indices, or
2) The 10 most useful negative count indices.



Well-Known Member
I second that. Because the value of learning only the + counts and perfecting Wonging is MUCH more valuable than learning the next 10 neg count indecies.