How many of you people use the REAL TKO?


Well-Known Member
Not the true fudged kind like Dan Dravot in Color of Blackjack. I mean, you employ the formula TC = RC-4(decks played)/decks remaining.

So, anyone out there actually using this??? QFIT's book prompted me to fire up CVCX. This is a very powerful strategy, just pennies shy of FELT. But I tried it and it seemed awkward to say the least.


Well-Known Member
boneuphtoner said:
Not the true fudged kind like Dan Dravot in Color of Blackjack. I mean, you employ the formula TC = RC-4(decks played)/decks remaining.

So, anyone out there actually using this??? QFIT's book prompted me to fire up CVCX. This is a very powerful strategy, just pennies shy of FELT. But I tried it and it seemed awkward to say the least.
Some of us are actually beginning to consider using REKO + a few of the REKO-F index numbers (such as Stand on 16 vs 10 at -7) to play games with hidden discard trays and covered shoes.

How awkward can REKO be? There are only two index numbers, +2 for all strategy changes and +3 for insurance.


Well-Known Member
Tko use

A player that uses the ko count could use a combination of Dravot's system early and then go back to perferred Ko at some point in the shoe. This combination gives you about the best playing options with good cover and you really aren't going to notice any difference. I've used this for a good while and it provides very good results.


Well-Known Member
bigplayer said:
Some of us are actually beginning to consider using REKO + a few of the REKO-F index numbers (such as Stand on 16 vs 10 at -7) to play games with hidden discard trays and covered shoes.

How awkward can REKO be? There are only two index numbers, +2 for all strategy changes and +3 for insurance.

Oh, REKO is a breeze to use. What I meant is true counted REKO. For example, you are 18 above your IRC and there are three decks left out of a six decker. The true count is: 18-4(3 decks played)/3 decks remaining = 6/3 = +2. I'm curious to see how many people play this way versus using a running count or fudged running count system.