How much can I expect to make?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.

Now, I have about $5,000, and am going to try and make a run at counting. But, my question is, using either Red 7 or Hi/Lo light, how much can I expect to make playing maybe 2-4 times a month playing maybe 5 hours at a time over a 1 year period?

I still need to determine the amount of risk i am willing to accept, but I am a gambling man so i'm sure it will be on the higher side.


Well-Known Member
If you learn to count and find the proper games,you will have about a 1% edge.
With $5,000, you can bet $25-150 fairly safely.
Lets say you're average bet is $50.
You can play 60 hands an hour,so you will be betting an average of $3,000 an hour,giving you an average earning of $30 an hour.
Sounds like you want to play 20 hours a month so that would be about $600 a month,$7200 a year.But your results can flucuate greatly.
IF,you learn to count and hit the average expectations.Don't forget counters hit losing streaks just like everyone.


Well-Known Member
You can expect to win about 1 average bet per hour. With a $50 average bet (a 100-unit bankroll) you will have an overall risk-of-ruin of about 73%. With an average bet of $12.50 (400-unit bankroll) your ROR will be about 28%. An average bet of $6 (about 800-unit bankroll) will give you a ROR of about 7%.

Of course, those numbers are just ballpark figures. I'm assuming an hourly EV of 1 unit and an hourly SD of 25 units. With solid skills, good games and an aggressive playing style you could do much better than that, but without having much information I wouldn't want to give any false hope.

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