How much does a regular player lose per hour?


Well-Known Member
At a normal disadvantage of .5% for a BS player and then the 2% disadvantage or whatever it is for the non-BS player, how many units is usually lost per hour?


Well-Known Member
A .5 player would lose a nickle per $10 bet and the 2% player would lose 20cents.
At a full slow table,playing 60 rounds-$3 and $12.
At a 100 rounds per hour-$5 and $20.

If it's a $5,divide in half.

Don't forget to factor in tipping the dealer an the beverage person.I'd say sitting at a $10 table will end up costing a BS player $5-$7 an hour.If he has two beers,he's even.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
At a normal disadvantage of .5% for a BS player and then the 2% disadvantage or whatever it is for the non-BS player, how many units is usually lost per hour?
50¢ for every $100 wagered.
$2 for every $100 wagered.

i guess in an hour if you play 100 hands and $10 a hand you're talking between $5 and $20..... someone correct me if i'm wrong.

um, yeah what shadroch said, typed faster than me....

bj bob

Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Don't forget to factor in tipping the dealer an the beverage person.I'd say sitting at a $10 table will end up costing a BS player $5-$7 an hour.If he has two beers,he's even.
Moral of story: Imported beer=higher EV.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
A .5 player would lose a nickle per $10 bet and the 2% player would lose 20cents.
At a full slow table,playing 60 rounds-$3 and $12.
At a 100 rounds per hour-$5 and $20.
This is theoretically correct, of course. But the underlying assumption is that the player has brought enough money along to allow this to happen. A lot of them don’t. The people who bring $40 to play at a $10 table are likely to lose it all quite quickly, just due to the normal variance. I think this factor is underrated.


Well-Known Member
Canceler said:
This is theoretically correct, of course. But the underlying assumption is that the player has brought enough money along to allow this to happen. A lot of them don’t. The people who bring $40 to play at a $10 table are likely to lose it all quite quickly, just due to the normal variance. I think this factor is underrated.
Absolutely.I agree,but how would you go about factoring that in?


Well-Known Member
shadroch said: would you go about factoring that in?
I have no idea! :laugh: That would require someone who’s better at statistics than I am.

I was just trying to give a hint to people who regularly lose small amounts at the casino. It’s almost counterintuitive. A person might think they’re being responsible by saying, okay, I’ve got this $40 I can afford to lose, and when it’s gone, I’m going home. In reality, they’d be better off by bringing more money to the casino.


Well-Known Member
IIRC, 1SD can mean a variance at range of -$240 to +$180 per hour at a $10 table. How do you avoid that wiping you out? Big bankroll.

Canceler said:
This is theoretically correct, of course. But the underlying assumption is that the player has brought enough money along to allow this to happen. A lot of them don’t. The people who bring $40 to play at a $10 table are likely to lose it all quite quickly, just due to the normal variance. I think this factor is underrated.


Well-Known Member
GeorgeD said:
IIRC, 1SD can mean a variance at range of -$240 to +$180 per hour at a $10 table. How do you avoid that wiping you out? Big bankroll.
you got my vote! that's the way to answer diepaint's question. get that standard deviation range in there!

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
At a normal disadvantage of .5% for a BS player and then the 2% disadvantage or whatever it is for the non-BS player, how many units is usually lost per hour?
You are talking long term, yes?

Short term it is all about luck. Sonny can tell you about variance when he is not preoccupied battling Licentia on the Voodoo Forum section.

What is more important than normal disadvantage is the speed of play. Playing 1 to 1 with the dealer you are looking at 300 rounds per hour whereas at a full table you are looking at 60 rounds per hour. This will supercede whether you are playing at .5% or 2% disadvantage of play.


300 rounds

300 rounds per hour? that's one every 12 seconds! Wow, must be very fast dealers where you play. :)

I've found a one-on-one session with myself against the dealer to average closer to the 100-120 rounds per hour figure.

Still: in any case, to our original enquirer: the longer and faster you play, the more you pay (in the long term, luck and SD aside).

It's fine to quantify your expected loss against "two beers" - but there's a lot of difference between two beers in an hour, and 10 beers over 5 hours. In the end, those free beers might not be free either... just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
davidpom said:
300 rounds per hour? that's one every 12 seconds! Wow, must be very fast dealers where you play. :)

I've found a one-on-one session with myself against the dealer to average closer to the 100-120 rounds per hour figure.

Still: in any case, to our original enquirer: the longer and faster you play, the more you pay (in the long term, luck and SD aside).

It's fine to quantify your expected loss against "two beers" - but there's a lot of difference between two beers in an hour, and 10 beers over 5 hours. In the end, those free beers might not be free either... just my opinion.

Ten American beers spread over five hours will mean you are sober,and have good reasons for frequent bathroom breaks.


Well-Known Member
Mimosine said:
50¢ for every $100 wagered....
As long as you mean $100 for every initial bet (as opposed to total dollars wagered) wagered lol.

If you bet $10 a hand for 100 hands, you've likely actually wagered $1100 by then kind of thing but your EV is still -$5 dollars, not -$5.50.

Don't multiply total dollars wagered by HA to get EV!


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Absolutely.I agree,but how would you go about factoring that in?
Oh lots of ways lol.

For a flat-betting BS player find the chances of finishing x units ahead after so many hands. And then at least double it.

Maybe apply some ROR calculators stuff for goals with time constraint. Kind of like figuring trip rolls.

Less technically speaking, like somebody said, bring alot of units :)