How possible is that?


I was doing the bonus on Privat Casino witch has a 4 Deck Card game, Double any 2 cards, double after splitt, resplit 3 times, aces can be resplit, stand on all 17, hole card.
I only played 1358 hand, so I know it's not enough, but how possible are my results?
Dealer BJ: 77
Player BJ: 54
Push: 4
Startet with: 150 Euro (deposited 75Euro)
Endet with: 125 Euro
The game went from bad -> normal ->good -> bad ->normal -> very bad. When I was up to 180Euro when it startet to run bad and down to 130 when it startet to be normal again. Then when I was about to clear the bonus (about 200Euro left to bet) I lost 30Euro with flatbetting 1Euro each hand, almost every doubling was almost everytime unsuccesful (god more than 5 times an Ace to my 11 ect), he draw to 21 and 20 like a champien and the other times it was push. The hole play reminded me of pharao casino :p I also had the feeling that it has about 25% less tens as normal but 10% more Aces (which is stupid I know, but playing it realy gave me that feeling), I played on other Casinos with less favorable Rules and had more fun ^^
Well, I was +EV thanks to the Bonus, and playing that many hands only "loosing" 25 Euro is not bad, but when I read the Rules the first time I realy thougt I could end up with more, but thats Blackjack I think.


Well-Known Member
How often is it you or the dealer is supposed to see a natural? 1 in 18 times? By that math, the expected BJ's is 75. So the dealer got his share, but you were kinda short.

The game sounds like it has an edge of .38%, That's an expected loss of just over 5 euro over a $1350 WR. You're past that, but not that far past it. (Heck, you ended down 25 euro, you were up 30 for a little bit).

Now, let me tell you about the time that I lost $432 in roulette over 9000 spins... :)


Thanks, so everything was normal. Good then I'm going to do the monthly there too :p But the end of thta session sure scared me :cry:

Isn't roulette supposed to be one of the casino games with a good chance to win?


Well-Known Member
Terredar said:
Isn't roulette supposed to be one of the casino games with a good chance to win?
I thought naturals occur approx 1 in 21 hands. And yes, the dealer will regularly slap you silly with a barrage of naturals making you wonder who came up with that stupid 1 in 21 number. But unlike the number of hands you win at least you are guaranteed a fair chance at a natural as he has. Keep up the good fight and it should balance out...

As for the quote above... it is dripping with sarcasm or is it another mental attribute?



ortango said:
I thought naturals occur approx 1 in 21 hands. And yes, the dealer will regularly slap you silly with a barrage of naturals making you wonder who came up with that stupid 1 in 21 number. But unlike the number of hands you win at least you are guaranteed a fair chance at a natural as he has. Keep up the good fight and it should balance out...

As for the quote above... it is dripping with sarcasm or is it another mental attribute?

Both i think ;) as for natural 21, thats what I had in every casino, don't think thats horrible, as he bust out more than having 21 :p