How to clear out a table


Found this post on another board I wonder if anybody has tried it and does it work? Would this be considered an AP move when the count gets high ?

Heres a tip to help clear the tables in crowded conditions to get some good heads up action, simply let rip a huge fart, try not make it too loud, silent & deadly is more ideal as it wont atract as much attention from the pit crits, a good method of cover is to blame the person next to you. If its obvious you are the 1 whos farting you will become an undesirable player to the casino and may be barred.

The timing of the fart is most important, try to fart at times where you have your max bet out. not only does this clear other players for more action but it takes away any heat, the crits are more worried about the smell than your $500 bet.

Being able to fart at the right time is not an easy task, it requires a good diet for the 24 hours leading up to your play, some foods i recomend would be any hienz products canned backed beans and spagetti work well also pies, sausage rolls, fosters beer, vegimite and galic for extra scent. also try to hold all farts in prior to your blackjack sesson so your ass is fully loaded when its time to hit the table.good luck every1 and happy farting !


Well-Known Member
:grin: :grin: :grin: I don't ever remember reading that before,but I think I've experienced it a few times in my playing career.
P.S. I did not leave because I always say... I'll do almost anything if the money is right.