This count has:
As far as side counting, I haven't spent much time analyzing side-counts. I know they can really improve all three figures significantly on paper, but whether or not most people can accurately deploy them in a casino, may be a different story. You may have seen this article where Arnold Snyder says basically the same thing. Now, if you're playing lots of single and double deck, and you can play such a count accurately, it does have lots of value. I did the same thing you're doing a while back, and it is fun to try and develop a new count, but the truth is the ones that are published are pretty much the most practical.
One thing to remember, is that there's times when your best game may not be single or double deck, and a multi parameter count just won't be of much value. If you get really good at a single parameter, two level count, such as Zen, or Mentor, or RPC (I would go with Zen), you can swap easier between single and multi-deck games. Zen really does extremely well with any number of decks- so does Mentor (but you have to count nines also). I think this is why Arnold calls Zen, "The best practical count." Now, if your plan is to always play in Reno and Wendover while those gems last, definitely do it.