how to get the edge from CSM ??


Well-Known Member
i can get some commission for buying chips

so if there are ways to cut down the house edge from csm

then i Can winning the casino in long term

can anyone list out all the way how to cut the edge from csm ??


Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
i can get some commission for buying chips
Sometimes you can take advantage of casino promos to give yourself an advantage, but it depends on the casino. Things like matchplays, buy-in bonuses, first card ace coupons and BJ pays 2:1 coupons will all give you an advantage.

beyondbj said:
can anyone list out all the way how to cut the edge from csm ??
I mentioned couponomy above, but you can also use scavenger plays, backlining, side bets, spotting exposed cards, compc counting, possible sequencing and much more. Here is a brief list of some techniques that you could use:



Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
i can get some commission for buying chips

so if there are ways to cut down the house edge from csm

then i Can winning the casino in long term

can anyone list out all the way how to cut the edge from csm ??
The best you can do is play perfect basic strategy.

or buy the schematics/patent for the machine and figure out how to beat it.

or pray, and since you're in the voodoo lounge, this might be the most applicable :fish:

though, as usual Sonny has some good suggestions worth consideration. i never thought about backlining/backbetting in particular in picking up others doubles/splits. I suppose if you found a table of very inexperienced players, you could pick up a lot of their double downs and positive EV splits, picking up a few an hour will give you an +EV game believe it or not. :):)


Well-Known Member
if i bet $5 for original bet

and make a back bet $50

when should I not follow the original bet to spilt ??

can anyone kindly list out all hands for back bet no need to spilt ??

:cry:double is allowed after spiltting


Well-Known Member
Buy in for a huge amount of chips, go to the table to play.

"Accidentially" spill a large coke into the CSM making it inoperable.

Since you can't play until they get the machine fixed and a new set up of cards, cash out, collect the commission, go home.

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
i can get some commission for buying chips

so if there are ways to cut down the house edge from csm

then i Can winning the casino in long term

can anyone list out all the way how to cut the edge from csm ??
The answer is no. You cannot cut down the house edge from CSM.

However Sonny have some good suggestions on how to mitigate your losses.


Well-Known Member
Mr. T said:
The answer is no. You cannot cut down the house edge from CSM.

However Sonny have some good suggestions on how to mitigate your losses.
what's the diff? :confused:
there are some composition dependent (i think that's what they call it) basic strategy departures rule of 45 or somethings like that you could make and some cards on the table dependent basic strategy departures you might make. Mr. Renzey talks of such play strategies (his magnificent 7, Babies vs 10's) in his book Blackjack Bluebook II.
if you wanna gamble some you could study up on some goal probabilities and shoot for goals sort of thing.
check this out :
cvbj has goal calculators you might use.
check out Kasi's spread sheet. you could sim a game for some hot shot counter. then put in the parameters for the sim in the spread sheet and set one up for a flat betting basic strategy player. know what to expect for a hot shot counter expectation or standard deviation take a goal shot and then if you make some goal comparing to the counter take your money and run sort of thing. it's a gamble.