Justinawe said:
Hey guys. Recently I have been winning big the past few times I've gone to the casino (7 in a row, to be exact). I play using basic strategy and have a simple way of counting cards to some success. Today however was just not my day, and ended up losing half of my winnings from the past few times I've went. Now I'm still up a few hundred, but losing so much in one night really hurts and I am just trying to get over it. How would you handle this situation if it happened to you?
If you are familiar with this website, you already know that basic strategy will not win in the long run.
You describe your counting system as a "simple way of counting cards." We already know that even those with sophisticated counting systems and error free play have only a very thin margin for winning due to the rules and pen of modern day blackjack. Therefore, it does not take much brainpower to realize that your system, unless it is an honored simple system like KO or Red Seven, while it may advance your cause, it will not give you the advantage you need to be a long run winner.
Therefore, since you knew you were playing at a disadvantage, why did you play in the first place? You should be kicking yourself in the butt for taking a chance with money that will really hurt you if you lose it. I deduce it will really hurt you, since according to you the money which you had previously won really hurt when you lost it, so losing your hard earned money should hurt even more.
My advice is to chalk your big loss up to your own stupidity. At least, you are currently a few hundred up. Great! Now do not return to the tables until after you have learned a proven counting system. When you do return to the tables, be sure that you are properly funded and with money that will not hurt if you should be the victim of bad variance. By being properly funded, you will minimize your chances of going completely broke, but you will still be subject to large swings such as the one you recently experienced.
This site has a wealth of valuable information. Now that you know how difficult it is to win and stay winner, that you are not one of the "chosen" who just happens to be lucky (all bullsh*t), study your way to success. Remember, too, that today's games are no road to riches. By success, I only mean staying slightly ahead of the house in the long run. The very best must work their tails off to make a living, and not a good living unless they have a very large bankroll from which to play. Even with that, the steady grind of table play will likely lead you to other more profitable forms of AP.
If you already have a good job, or if you are going to school, that, my friend, is your best advantage play. Consider blackjack a side avocation. If all you want to do is AP at gaming, then study, study, study, and then study some more, and practice, practice, practice, and then practice some more, and then maybe you'll be the next James Grosjean. Good luck and good cards.