hy and first question


New Member
hy all !
first i have to say :thx for this great site,it helps me very much for learning BJ
my name is robert and i am from austria ,i play BJ 4 times in a casino in CZ
the rules there are hand shuffels,6D,S17,Double any card,Double after split,early surrender but not when the dealer have an A.
i learn the BS as good as well and 2 times i win (1x 12 Coins a 5 euro,1x 7 coins a 5 euro) this happens after 20 minutes playing then i think its better to go with a win :) the other 2 i was stand off after 2 hours of playing
now my question : is there a different between 2 decks playing or one ?
my wins i have made with 2 decks but i think if you win (dealer bust) you can make money but also you can loose all 2 coins
thx for all answers ,in future i will learn counting but i think my money managment is too small :eek:



Well-Known Member
Question about the rules, can you late surrender against an Ace?

Anyway, if you can find a 2D or 1D game with the exact same rules, then the house advantage will be smaller with fewer decks, and I would recommend playing that game.

Two places to see the different effect of the rules are at this site:

and the wizard of odds:

Over a single session, the different in odds is too small to notice, it would only become apparant when you play thousands and thousands of hands.

If you learn some counting, you can still try to practice it at the casino, even if you're not varying your bets. Just see how well you keep the count without it. Or maybe only have a very small variation in bets (1 to 2).


New Member
thx for your answer !
i dont know about the late surrender ,have to ask there .
today i win 20 coins in 1 hour (3 BJ one behind the other *gg*)then after 3 losses i stand up and go :)
maybee its too early but i am happy with the 20 coins

greets from vienna rob