I need help plz


New Member
When exactly do you know when you are getting a big number card or a small number card when counting the possitve and negatives get me kinda confused i know how to count cards sort off but if there are more people playing at the tabe does that increase tthe chances of being right on the pos and neg plz help going to wester va next week and need some cash wait what is the age limit for gambaling


Well-Known Member
Hmm :cool:

When the count is positive there are more high cards in the deck, so bet bigger. When the count is minus, there are lots of small cards, so bet small. Positive - Big bet, Negative - Little Bet

The gambling age is Europe 18... USA 21 Canada 18

More people at the table is good in negative counts and bad in positive counts.

Looks like you need to do a lot of homework bro


Well-Known Member
Buy some books, there's a decent thread about it all, well there's a few, try the search function


Quote from BJinNJ

Over the past 18 months I've read probably 20 BJ books.
I can recommend about a dozen, while the others merely
rehash what was already imparted.

For beginners I recommend reading any 3 of the following six:

Blackbelt in Blackjack by Snyder
Blackjack Bluebook II by Renzey
Professional Blackjack by Wong
Million Dollar Blackjack by Uston
Blackjack Blueprint by Blaine
Blackjack for Blood by Carlson

Once you read some of these basic texts you should pick up
Blackjack Attack 3 by Schlesinger for some in depth info, if
BJ holds your interest.

I'm studying from Renzey's book and saving BR.

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