I took a beating on the tables tonight.


Well-Known Member
man, my worst loss yet. I think I'm going to try to add some more indices to memory. I didn't even play any extremely negative counts. I was gone by the time it reached a -1 tc everytime and I was still losing. I started to think that they had added a few 5's to the shoe or something. I'm going to try to become a better player. Right now, I know about 15 indices so I have much room to improve. Also, I don't practice everyday on software of anything. I don't have casino verite so I may purchase that. Anyone else have casino verite? Also, any recommendations for a blackjack system analyzer for generating indices? I have heard that there are some discrepancies in indices from one analyzer to the next.

Lone Stranger

New Member
Me too. Stadard dev is all it was though.

Casino Verite is excellent, I use it al the time.

Adding more indices has a deminishing return, Ill 18 should do it.

What count system are you using by the way ?


Well-Known Member
Get a blackjack simulator. It is the best investment into your game. I do recommend CVData by Qfit. A simulator will tell you if you are playing a winning game or not. Once you know that, you have the reassurance that any losses are simply due to standard deviation. You should learn the I18 indicies and a few others if you play SD or DD.


Well-Known Member
I try to wong in as much as I can but that casino is very paranoid. (As I was walking out, I saw a guy that was kicked out for cussing!!) I was wonging out instead. I know the ILL 18. I'm going to take a break because I was developing a bad attitude. I am still up. Actually, I haven't done the math but I believe I am still way above where I should be. That is just the biggest loss I've ever had. After that loss, that casino should welcome me back with open arms.

I use Hi-Lo. The thing is, I just moved up to quarters and was playing the 25 dollar minimums.

I think I'm going to buy casino verite and add a very more indices, especially more of the soft double downs.

Okay, I'm standing there and backcounting, and I wonder what is going through the dealers mind because some of them will look at you and ask you if you want to play. I say "no thanks". If I wanted to play, I'd be playing. When I do finally enter, I put 5 greens on the circle, and he says "black action". Later in the night, I see a guy betting like 900 dollars on one hand and no black action was called. The pit boss sure was eyeing him and the table, though.

I am proud of myself because I can carry conversations and count at the same time and not even sweat it anymore. I sat down at the table and immediately the pit boss asks me if I want a card and blah blah blah and I say, "no, I'm hardly ever in the area." and at the same time the dealer is throwing the cards out as fast as she could but I still kept the count.


I use CVBJ to practice all the time. I don't see how you can correct your playing errors and be assured that you are making the right plays without the drills.

I like the flashcard drills in CVBJ, they are a must in practicing the indices and are a truer test of your ability. Thinking you know it, and really knowing it are not the same thing...
OK, sounds to me like you are playing a good game, and playing the exact same kind of game that I do. And I took a beating last night also!

If you know 15 indices, you know more than enough, providing they are the right ones. Now here's a secret about the Ill18 and other series of indices: the most profitable indices for you are very dependent on your spread!

If/when you get the CVData software, here's what to do. Play two players against the house, one of them using Basic Strategy play and your spread, and the other using the High-Low indices and your spread. When you are done you will find the High-Low player is about 20-40% more profitable than the BS. That was the easy part. Now there is a screen in there someplace that gives the Win Rate for each type of hand, 12 against dealer 4, 16 against dealer 8, etc., and for every hand where there is an index, compare the Win Rate of the High-Low player against that of the BS player. Enter it all into an Excel file. This will take a couple of hours. You will find that there are no more than 10-15 indices that really make a difference, some of them have zero value and some of them even have negative value due to statistical quirks. But I cannot overemphasize that the indices you play have to be custom tailored for your spread and for the rules under which you are playing. If you have LSR the Surrender indices will be the most valuable.