

Well-Known Member
black_arrow_333 said:
im 17 do u think i can get away with a fake id and start counting using zen system?:cool2:
You can get away with a fake id, and start to count..... at home. I see no problem with that.

By the time your of legal age, you'll be a pro player on the home circuit.



Well-Known Member
How close are you to turning 18? You should spend at least a month or two practicing before you start playing, so like was posted earlier, just practice now so that you'll be ready to go once you turn 18.

Edit: Unless your state requires you to be 21, then you're SOL haha.
thanks everyone for reply, i will be 18 in december, i live in texas, i have to do some driving.:grin: when i master zen system or true count


Well-Known Member

black_arrow_333 said:
thanks everyone for reply, i will be 18 in december, i live in texas, i have to do some driving.:grin: when i master zen system or true count
Ya know, if you get caught playing underage you may have to wait a lot longer than december to get to play again. Not worth it. keep practicing and you'll be a great player by december. :)


Well-Known Member
black_arrow_333 said:
im 17 do u think i can get away with a fake id and start counting using zen system?:cool2:
Ugh. Wait till you're 18 and go to the Indian casinos that allow 18+. There might be a casino cruise in texas that is 18+ too. For pete's sake don't gamble underage, though.