How would WE treat AP's if we owned the joint? Easy answer right? Just like the casinos do! Not always.
An acquaintence of mine was recently 86'd (tresspassed) at a midwestern store for his card counting prowess. Not unusual but----------this guy has such a fetish (addiction may be more fitting) for video poker that 80-90% of his time was spent playing $1 6-5 flat top JOB vp, which is a BIG minus EV, at this same house.
His skilled BJ game was at 5-500 tables and his spread appeared to stay in the 1-15 to 1-20 range. From the many times I observed, he always bet the minimum until he saw the prize. I never saw more than $100 max bet by him.
There's no good answer to why he would even learn how to be a BJAP and spend way more time doing VPDP. Maybe he figured he'd hedge his losses this way being he was such a vp junkie.
His expected win rate at BJ was dwarfed by his expected loss rate at VP. He wouldn't have been 86'd at my house.
An acquaintence of mine was recently 86'd (tresspassed) at a midwestern store for his card counting prowess. Not unusual but----------this guy has such a fetish (addiction may be more fitting) for video poker that 80-90% of his time was spent playing $1 6-5 flat top JOB vp, which is a BIG minus EV, at this same house.
His skilled BJ game was at 5-500 tables and his spread appeared to stay in the 1-15 to 1-20 range. From the many times I observed, he always bet the minimum until he saw the prize. I never saw more than $100 max bet by him.
There's no good answer to why he would even learn how to be a BJAP and spend way more time doing VPDP. Maybe he figured he'd hedge his losses this way being he was such a vp junkie.
His expected win rate at BJ was dwarfed by his expected loss rate at VP. He wouldn't have been 86'd at my house.