Impossible to count there?


New Member
I play at Montreal Casino, it's owned by the gouvernement, which means that if you litteraly count with a calculator they can't do anything BUT
They play with 6 or 8 decks (I think 8) + at the begining the dealer put a yellow car at approximatly the last third of the deck, SO

how could it be possible to count when there soooo many card left???


Well-Known Member
futurbig said:
I play at Montreal Casino, it's owned by the gouvernement, which means that if you litteraly count with a calculator they can't do anything BUT
They play with 6 or 8 decks (I think 8) + at the begining the dealer put a yellow car at approximatly the last third of the deck, SO

how could it be possible to count when there soooo many card left???
technically yes. practically not really if they cut off 2.5 decks on a 8 deck shoe you won't see high counts that often at all..


Well-Known Member
futurbig said:
I play at Montreal Casino, it's owned by the gouvernement, which means that if you litteraly count with a calculator they can't do anything BUT
They play with 6 or 8 decks (I think 8) + at the begining the dealer put a yellow car at approximatly the last third of the deck, SO

how could it be possible to count when there soooo many card left???
Play in "backcounting only mode", or use a 1-to-24 spread -- provided the game rules are at least typical.


Well-Known Member
I'd check very carefully about the countermeasures that the casino can and cannot take against you.

For instance, in Atlantic City, they can't kick you out or bar you, but they can restrict you to a flat bet, or worsen penetration to the point of shuffling every hand.

Anyway, while it would be titanically boring, you could always simply not play any hands whatsover until you get a positive count, then play those. You would probably only end up playing a very small fraction of hands.