Increase Bet or play multiple spots?


Well-Known Member
Is it more advantageous to increase your bet or to play multiple spots at once when the count is positive?

For example:

Minimum bet $25

TC reaches 5

Better to increase bet to $50 or to play 2 spots for $25 each?


The Mayor

Well-Known Member
For multi-deck, ALWAYS play more spots when you can. But, 1 hand of 50 is not the same as two of $25. The formula is more like:

1 hand of $30 is the same as 2 hands of $20



Well-Known Member
Mayor, I'm still confused on this one. I've looked up a dozen reputable sources and they all seem to say to play more than one hand only when you have an advantage. Why bet more than minimum when the house has the advantage? Can you explain please.


wong out

Well-Known Member
For multiple decks; Don S analyzed this rec./s that you play one hand when heads up and two when you are not alone. The reason is when alone you eat more cards in the high counts; wheras with one other playe the added hand doesnt have as much of an impact on the number of rounds that you will play. You can read his analysis in BJ Attack.

BTW - my favorite move is to spread to multiple hands when I am sure that its the last round; its a great move when heads up.

wong out