BBjoe said:
When you have a large positive lead on a total count with only two or three decks left on a 6 or 8 deck table how do you increase your bets without the casino getting wise to it. I've heard of people betting 10 times as many units when it's hot but isn't that betting strategy alone enough to get the attention of the casino? How do you counter this? Lose some big bets immediately afterwards on purpose. Designate a certain percentage of your wins to lose? Bet it all and lose on roulette?
your kidding about the roulette right?
most joints don't sweat the action on six or eight deck games like they may do on single or double deck. especially if your playing low limit tables nickle and dime tables that is. even quarter tables aren't going to sweat the action if you limit your time at them. you can limit your play to around an hour and that will help you escape a lot of heat.
you don't want to counter heat by losing big bets. your bottom line is to short to be giving up money at such a rate. what you want to do is kill two birds with one stone if possible. for example sometimes i find the pit watching me when i'm about to wong out. so instead of leaving i'll stay (at least a while). so now i'm stuck in a negative shoe for a while with the pit watching. so i'll definately be betting low and maybe take the opportunity (especially if the count has dropped exceedingly low) to hit a dealers low card when i've got a stiff hand. if the pit knows counting and basic strategy they will know this is an incorrect play and thats good camo for me. the funny thng is a play such as that in a very negative shoe has such a narrow margin that i might just pick up a 21, 20 or passable hand and even win the play. the scenerio i just described is not really a conventially accepted camo play there are others that have the ev's figured more exactingly by the experts but i don't use them as i prefer to play such rare moves when is see it will have the greatest psychological effect on the pit.
there are many other methods of camo actions described in the literature.
best regards,
mr fr0g