After my last BJ trip I was just thinking what a dead giveaway the insurance bet is. Typically players will insure 18 or 20's. Most players are educated enough that they usually dont take it all. Now when a card counter is playing he seems to be taking insurance at random times whether he has a 7, 15, 20. There is no consistency to it. IF you are losing 4 out of 5 times then you just look like some fool, but if you are having a good night and winning half the bets they have to be wondering what is going on. Winning when you "insure your 7" could be as much of a giveaway as splitting ten's! Would it be better in the long run to only buy insurance when you have something like 18 or better when the count calls for it? Sure it would hurt your ev, but I wonder what it would do to your longevity as a counter. Does anyone have any insight on this?