Insurance vs. Surrender


Well-Known Member
In games with Surrender, what would be the proper play for 16 vs dealer A in a count high enough to warrant taking Insurance? If you lose both, you simply lose your total amount bet. Perhaps this is a good insure for less situation. But in either case, would this look particularly odd to dealers and PB's, given the obviously weak hand?


Well-Known Member
The proper play is to insure. If the dealer doesn't have a BJ then surrender. "Anything to get rid of that damn sixteen!" is a line I've heard used by more than one ploppy. That assumes early surrender is not available.



Well-Known Member
Diver said:
In games with Surrender, what would be the proper play for 16 vs dealer A in a count high enough to warrant taking Insurance? If you lose both, you simply lose your total amount bet. Perhaps this is a good insure for less situation. But in either case, would this look particularly odd to dealers and PB's, given the obviously weak hand?
lol that's one of my favorite plays. high count tc>=3 and 16vA.
take insurance. if you lose that then surrender. lol. great fun.
but maybe it does look a bit unusual to the pit and dealer. :cool:


Well-Known Member
It is the insuring that looks strange

I have insured and then surrendered more often than I would rather do (once qualifies as more often) but there is a question here about something looking strange.

Looking strange is basically doing something the average ploppy will not do and that is insuring a 16. There are plenty of players out there who will surrender a 16 vs A, but how many of us know ploppies who will insure a 16?

You make the play because the math says so but once made you certainly should expect that someone may be watching you much closer now.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
There are plenty of players out there who will surrender a 16 vs A, but how many of us know ploppies who will insure a 16?
Actually, I've probably seen more ploppies insuring 16's than surrendering them. At least where I play, surrendering is pretty rare. A few years ago, I actually had a dealer call out, "Surrender!" every time I surrendered. It was pretty irritating. I actually called the pit boss over and asked him to make her stop, but he said it was the house rule and he couldn't do anything about it.