Interested in comments from anyone who has changed from KO to UBZII


Well-Known Member
Learn BJInfo Open Source UBZ II V0.5!

It’s worth it.

I started a thread saying UBZII and I were breaking up. Since then, I realized we needed each other at the table.

I moved from KO Preferred with the Color of Blackjack to BJInfo Open Source UBZ II V0.5. It was a very good move.

One big difference is, with BJInfo Open Source UBZ II V0.5, I am very confident in the count and trust the math no matter how big the variance. With KO Color of Blackjack, I felt that I was pushing out max bets too early and over-betting too often.

Read the BJInfo Open Source UBZ II V0.5 thread.


Well-Known Member
If your only playing shoe games then don't waste your time. You'd be better off just moving to TKO if you wanted to get a little more out of it. If you play a decent amount of pitch games as well then it can become worthwhile if you are able play just as accurately. It is fairly easy with a little practice but again not worth it unless you play pitch.