Interesting Dealer Comment


Well-Known Member
While playing at a pretty well known casino, I was talking with a dealer about someone that had been thrown out the night before for cheating. She told me that their surveillance crew sucked. The peolple working surveillance know the video equipment very well but have no clue about the games. She said the people that are caught cheating are always caught by the floor people and dealers and surveillance only catches cheaters after someone is suspected of cheating and they rewind the tape and investigate. I wonder how typical this is? This backs up a feeling that I've had for a while now. It doesn't matter how many cameras a casino has, they still need people observing those monitors. I know everything is recorded by the camera, but it takes a human being to catch the cheat (or card counter).

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
Dealer comment the other night

I had a dealer the other night say to me (after getting a call from the eye about his sloppy payment on my BJ) "they can always catch the stupid things that don't matter but they never catch me when I deal too deep into the deck"...I proceeded to throw him a fiver and said "really" needless to say I got great pen for the rest of his stay and managed to almost dig out of the 5,200 hole I was in......Thank you sir I apreciate it....SM
Re: Dealer comment the other night

I would have thrown him a lot more than a five!

I don't think in most places (especially outside of NV) surveillance is looking for counters. They're just not going to get people who are sophisticated enough for what they pay surveillance. If one of those guys understood counting, he'd be out there doing it instead of working his dead end job up there. Cheating is a different story but we counters don't need to get involved with that. If casino surveillance is like surveillance in any other industry, their primary concern is going to be employee misconduct.


New Member
Re: Why........

How about $10 and tell him/her to tell the next dealer in the rotation?

SM: Is that email address still good? I'm still interested in that proposition.