Interview with Hollywood Dave posted


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know anything about his book coming out? Is it just a biogrophy or is it a how-to book where a counter can learn something?

Edit: Nevermind, I should have read the interview first!
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Well-Known Member
"One episode in particular really tested my tourney pro mettle, as Ken Smith and I traded jabs at each other throughout an incredible match-up that saw the lead change many times all the way down to the final turn of the last card."

Is this an event that hasn't aired yet? If so, when and what channel?


Well-Known Member
I believe I've read that the UBT aires in September (16th I believe).

In the interview, Stann states that the first book is pretty basic with what he hopes will be commercial appeal. The second book to be published sometime next year is supposed to be a technical approach to Tournament Strategy and advanced techniques.


UBT Television Events

The UBT, (Ultimate Blackjack Tour), is a series of blackjack tournaments, which were taped last year with many tournament BJ experts, along with many poker stars, and a few "celebrities". These events will air on Saturdays on CBS prior to college football starting Sept 16th. And I do believe, ( though Ken will verify), that his show will be the first show. Quite a production, with some twists inserted into a normal blackjack tournament, to make it more appealing the the television audience. The second season plays its first tournament about Sept. 24 in Aruba.
Dodge 330 specifications
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Staff member
Yes, I believe it is likely but not certain that the premiere show on CBS Sept 16th will be the round featuring me and Hollywood. I saw the show a while back at the Palms in Las Vegas, and Wow! You're going to love it.