Interview with MIT Mike Aponte posted


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Just posted, a new interview with Mike Aponte, complete with stories of his days on the MIT Blackjack Team. Mike also won first place in the World Series of Blackjack 2004.

Read our interview with "MIT Mike" Aponte.

An excerpt:

RS: When were you approached to join the MIT blackjack team?

Mike: I was recruited to play on the team in 1992. At the time, the team was actually a legal entity called Strategic Investments (SI). There had been students from MIT who played blackjack together as early as 1982, but when SI was formed in 1991, it was very significant because the team was a million dollar company with big plans. Unfortunately, SI failed due to shortcomings in how the team was managed. In the summer of 1994, Mickey, one of the managers from SI, decided to start a new team, one that he would hand pick. Mickey invited my friend Martinez and me to join a group of ten players at the team's first meeting. We looked back at what went wrong during Strategic Investments and decided to change our strategic approach, selectively recruit new members, and raise our standards for quality play.

Read the rest of the interview here.